Chapter 2

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Jessica's P.O.V.

I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling. I've been awake for about an hour now, my 3 friends still asleep. We have until 9 a.m. until my alarm goes off. I wonder if Aisli would come in today. I hope so, I really wanna see her today. I just gotta be careful when my friends are around, I don't want them assuming and start questioning me alot. I also have to be careful by not making it look like I'm flirting because I don't even know if Aisli is into girls and I don't want to make her uncomfortable and hate me or something.

I looked at my phone, 8:40 was the time. 20 more minutes until my alarm rings. I got up from my bed a decided to get ready now. I went to my bathroom, used the toilet, washed my hands and then started brushing my teeth. I straightened my already straighten hair ( I straighten it everyday for 3 years now.) My hair is naturally curly but i've always hated it. But straightening it everyday damaged my hair, it hasn't grown since. It's a little past my shoulders. Once in a while, sometimes I'll let my hair be in its natural curls, but that's only when I'm home.

Anyways, after straightening my hair, I brushed it and put it into a ponytail. I walked back out into my room, went to my drawers and pulled out a pair of black ripped jeans. Then I walked to my closet and grabbed a white plain T-shirt.

My alarm started going off, so I walked over to bed to turn it off and sat down and played games. It took the girls a few minutes, but they finally got up from where they were sleeping and started getting ready.

"You're up early." Izzy said, surprised.

"Yea, I've been up for two hours and couldn't go back to sleep." I told her. She nodded and continued getting ready. The girls were talking to each other, I was more into my games so I heard muffles. After I won a round of my game and while the girls were still getting ready, I walked downstairs to my kitchen and poured me a bowl of fruity pebbles, poured the milk grabbed a spoon and ate my cereal.

20 minutes after, the girls came down and they all grabbed a bowl and served themselves cereal as well. As everyone finished our breakfast, we put our bowls in the sink.

"Ready?" Taylor asked everyone. All of us nodded and headed out the door to Spencer's car. The drive there was silent, they would talk once in a while but I stayed quiet almost the whole ride until Taylor asked, "Are you okay? You've been pretty quiet since we left work yesterday."

"Yea I'm good, just really tired since yesterday." I lied, not wanting her to know the truth. It makes me sad that I can't tell her or my other two best friends what I am because I'm afraid of losing them.

She looks at me questioning, but nods her head anyway. We arrived at Starbucks, Tay and my job. The two of us got down, saying goodbye to our other two friends and planning on when we could hang out again. The girls basically live with me most times but there are times when they go to their parents house. My parents died so I'm by myself at home very little time. They help me with my bills and stay there most of the time to keep me company so I don't feel alone and I thank them for that. We are also saving up money to move to California soon. Spenc and Tay are both planning on trying to go to collage over there while Izzy and I either transfer from our jobs to over there or find a new job.

After we said our goodbyes, Tay and I walked in and walked towards the back, where our aprons are. We put them on and clocked in. It was 10 o'clock in the morning, which is the time we open so customers will start walking in real soon. I really hope Aisli comes in today, she did walk in when my shift was almost over. I hope she comes in earlier so that maybe I get to talk to her.... Actually I seem desperate in wanting to talk to her so I need to act cool.

Five customers started walking in waiting at the front to give their order. Tay helped me with the orders and the two girls in the back started working on them in order. Once they finished making the orders, we gave them to the customers one by one. It was like that mostly through our shift.

It suddenly became 1 o'clock and Shannon (one of the employees who works more in the back making the drinks) walks in for her shift.

"Hey Jessica." She says smiling big at me.

"Hey." I told her, giving her a small smile. Her smile became small when I didn't really show much excitement. Which I don't understand why. We've worked with each other everyday for the past three years and we never really talked much.

She walked back to where she's suppose to go and shortly after the front door opened, meaning a customer walked in. Everyone was in the back so it was just me in front. Before I asked the customer what they wanted, I logged in to the register, got everything ready, then looked at the customer.

But my heart skipped a beat when I saw her. Aisli. I started feeling nervous, feeling butterflies in my stomach. I know, sounds lame, right?

"Hey, how are you? Are you enjoying Florida so far?" I asked.

"Hey!, I'm good so far. Yesterday I went and saw my mom for the first time in 6 years for the whole day and it went good. But then today, I was gonna hang out with an old friend of mine who moved down here but she had to cancel last minute so now I'm gonna be stuck at home bored all day." She laughed. I frowned, hearing that she hasn't seen her mom in 6 years. I hope everything is okay between them. And I feel bad that she can't do anything today since her friend canceled. But then I had an idea.

"Well if you want, maybe we can hang out later? I get off at 4 and I don't have anything planned for the rest of the day. Maybe we can do something. If you're okay with it of course, so it's up to you." I told her.... Man so much for trying to act cool in front of her. I basically was rambling just hang out with her.

"You know what, I'd actually would like that." She said. Oh my gosh! She said yes!. Okay act cool now.

"Great! We could meet at the Florida mall. It's about 10 minutes away from here."

"Awesome, I'll meet you then." She said smiling small. I smiled back at her for a few seconds until my eyes went wide realizing I've been talking the whole time and didn't ask for her order first.

"I'm so sorry, what would you like today." I said, feeling embarressed.

Aisli chuckled, "It's okay, I would like to have same as yesterday, the caramel crunch frappe." She told me, also adding the extra things again that she ordered yesterday. After that, I put in her order and someone in the back should be making it. While they were making it, Aisli and I talked about random things for a few minutes.

Later, Shannon came up with her drink to give to her. I notice that Shannon gave her a weird look, but I didn't pay much attention. Aisli said her thanks, and then we said our goodbyes for now and that we'll meet later. As soon as she left, I heard Shannon say,

"So I see you made a new friend."

"Uhm yea, she's new and seems pretty cool." I told her, I swear I heard a mix between annoyance and jealousy in her voice. But I shook the thought away, there's no way she should or would get upset because I made a new friend. All she said was "Oh" and then walked back to the back.

'Okay then,' I whispered to myself once she's gone. That girl is confusing.

After Aisli left, the rest of my shift was slow. Usually Sundays, it's our slowest days, which kind of annoys me for today because I want my shift to be over so I can hang with Aisli.

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