Chapter 15

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Aisli's P.O.V

It was almost the afternoon the next day when I started to get my things packed up. At least every five minutes I would check my phone. To see if Jessica messaged.

She messaged me saying she knows I'm mad at her but she loves her. I didn't see the message right away since I was with my family a the service. But once I saw it, I got worried. We do say I love you, but I don't know, this message got me worried with the fight we had yesterday and what she kept saying. I didn't want to fight anymore so I messaged her: it's okay babe, I don't want to fight. I love you.

But the thing that got me really worried is that she never responded back. She read it a few hours after but never responded and that's not like her. So I decided to leave a little earlier today and maybe I'll surprise her. I told my family that I couldn't stay for so long because one of my friends is in the hospital. Which is true, but I also need to see if J is okay. I'll stop by Taylor's first to see how she's doing and then head over to Jessica's. I texted Spencer to see we could go together but she says she has to do something important first and that she'll meet with later.

I finished packing and grabbed my things, walked out the room I was staying in and walked to the front door. I put my things down by the front door and walked back to the kitchen where my grandma had made breakfast for us. I sat at the table and ate quietly. My grandma sat as well along with the rest of the family. Of course someone would speak once in a while and everyone at the table would talk, sometimes someone would talk to me as well. But I stayed quiet mostly.

All of us finished eating, getting up from the table and putting our dishes away. I said my goodbyes to everyone, telling them I'll visit sometime soon. Once I said my goodbyes and love yous, I grabbed my things and walked out of the house and towards my car. When I got in, I sat down and turned my car on and waited for it to heat up. While I waited, I went on my phone to call my girlfriend once again.

It rings a few times but no one picks up, it goes straight to voicemail. I sighed, I wish she would answer. I hope she's okay. I put my phone down and started to drive. Every stop sign, red light I would text/call Jessica. I don't understand why she won't respond. She messaged me yesterday, did she get upset that I haven't messaged her? This was going to be a long six hour. I played some music on the way.

Six hours have passed and I went straight to the hospital to see Taylor first. I texted Jessica to see if she would meet me here. I waited 10 minutes in the car for her to text back but still nothing. I rolled my eyes and got out of my car. I walked inside the visiting area and told them that I'm there to visit Taylor and gave them her last name as well. They gave me her room number and I walked to the elevator, pressed the button to go up. Once the doors opened, I got inside and pressed the button that has the number 3 on it. It takes me to the 3rd floor.

When the elevators opened up, I walked out and walked towards room 314. When I got there, I walked inside and notice Michael was there.

"Hey" I said, which startled him. He turned around and relaxed when he saw me.

"Hey! You're back already? I thought you'd be gone for a few more days." He said.

"Yea, I was only gonna be gone for five days. But Jessica told me what happened with Taylor. So I decided to come the day after my moms funeral. Have you seen Jessica by the way?" I asked him.

"I saw her yesterday morning since we stayed over the hospital. But she left early in the afternoon to get some air but I haven't seen her since. Maybe ask Spencer? She might know." He told me, I nodded. I'll go to Jessica's house first, if she's not there, then I'll ask Spencer.

"Thanks." I told him. I walked up to Taylor. Her eyes still closed.

"Anymore updates on her? Or is she still just moving her hands?" I asked him.

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