Chapter 13

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Jessica's P.O.V

Aisli is right now in the shower. She's getting ready to leave soon. I going to miss her, but she needs to do this, see her mom. Also it will keep her safe from Shannon for now. Maybe the other girls and I can come up with something fast in the next five days before she comes back.

She picked out the clothes she was going to take, and while she was showering, I folded her clothes and put them in her bag. I grabbed her purse and put it by her bag.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen and got the box that has the powder stuff to make pancakes. I was going to make us breakfast before she leaves. I turned the stove on and grabbed a pan, spatula and the butter container. I poured some of the powder stuff in a bowl along with some water and cracked two eggs. I mixed them all together and put some butter on the pan to melt it.

I poured some of the pancake mix onto the pan, making a sizzling sound. I grabbed a plate so I could put the pancakes on them when they are done.

So far I've made two pancakes. Aisli walks down stairs wearing one of my hoodies and a pair of my sweat pants. It looks a little baggy on her but it also looks cute. It makes me happy when she wears my clothes.

"Whatcha makin babe?" She asked smiling, walking up behind me.

"I'm making us pancakes and eggs. I figured I could make us breakfast. I know sometimes you skip meals and I want to make sure you eat." I told her.

"I can't wait, I've never had your pancakes. I love pancakes." She said excitedly. I laughed at how childish she sounded. She gave me a small kiss on the cheek. She then went to the fridge but I grabbed her hand before she turned away, she looked at me confused but I leaned in giving her a kiss on the lips. She started to kiss back and we kissed for a few seconds.

"What's that smell?" She asked pulling away. I turned around and gasped.

"My pancakes burned!" I pouted. She just giggled and I glared at her.

"Aww come on babe, it's just one pancake. You could still make like a million with how much you poured." She laughed. I scoffed, jokingly.

"You never know how much you need. You always got to be prepared." I said, trying to focus on the pancakes now.

Aisli giggled walking to the fridge grabbing herself and me a drink.

"Can I help you make them?" She asked, putting the drinks down on the table.

"Of course babe." I told her. She walks up next to, I gave her the spatula so she could do one. Of course she's never cooked anything before so I held her hand, mostly doing the work and moving her hands. I don't want our pancakes to burn.

We finished with the pancake mix, making a total of seven pancakes and one of them was burnt. Aisli grabbed the plate with pancakes and took them to the table. I made the eggs and Aisli got two extra plates and silverware. She took the forks and knives to the table as well but brought the plates to me so I could put the eggs on them. I finished with the eggs, she held out a plate and I poured some eggs on it and then she held the other plate. I poured the rest of the eggs on that one. Aisli walked to the table and put the plates down. I turned the stove off, put the pan in the sink and let cold water fill it up. I turned the water off and walked to the table, sitting next to Aisli.

We ate and talked a little, I wanted to spend a little more time with her as much as I could. I know she's only gone for five days, but I'm really going to miss her. And I wish I could go with her so she doesn't have to face it alone. Well she's not alone she has family but I still wish I could be with her.

Soon we finished eating and put the plates in the sink. We washed the dishes together, I put soap on them and she would rinse them. We finished washing them fast. Walked back up stairs and brushed our teeth. Aisli rinsed her face and I brushed her hair for her.

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