Chapter 8

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Jessica's P.O.V

I kept driving since I left the hospital. I don't know where I was going but I just needed to drive. I know it wasn't Aisli's fault but I needed to get away from there. I really cannot see her. I just lost one of my best friends. Izzy was a special friend. She was always there for you no matter what, while she struggled with her problems quietly, she would be there for ours. Of course we were always there for her, but she never liked to open much. I've known her since elementary, she was kind. She was sweet. I can't believe she is gone. This can't be real. Why would someone just hit her like that? Did they not see her? Were they drunk, high or just not paying attention and being on that damn phone?

I had to park in the grass area by the road. I couldn't drive no more. I got out of my car, slammed the door and started screaming, crying, punching and kicking my car. I looked at my even more bruised, bloody hand and just held it close. I should probably get it checked out but that's not really important.

I checked my phone and noticed that I had quite a few miss calls and texts from Spenc and Tay. I ignored them though, I didn't want to talk to anyone. I just wanted to be alone. I went to my picture gallery and just scrolled up, looking at every picture I had with with her. I had over a thousand pictures with my friends, some of course with Aisli. I smiled sadly, with the tears running down. I chocked up, my throat started to hurt from trying to hold back the tears but I just couldn't. I miss her already, I miss her so much. If I knew the last time I would see her was at the party, I wouldn't have walked away. I wish I just stayed with her. Just talking with her for hours.

I looked at the time on my phone. It had been just a few hours since I left the hospital. I should head back home, but now I don't want to be alone. I went to my contacts and clicked on Aisli's name. I debated if I should call her or not. I know I told her to leave me alone but I just wanted someone to talk to.

I sighed and clicked call.

"Jess? Where are you? We have been trying to call you. Are you okay?" I heard Taylor panic over the phone. Yea, so I couldn't call Aisli. Just at least not yet.

"Yes I'm fine. I guess. I just needed to drive, I don't know where but I needed to clear my mind. I can't believe she's gone." I choked.

"And I'm sorry to bother you. You probably don't want to talk to me but I needed to talk to someone and I couldn't talk to Aisli yet." I told her, my voice shaking.

"Of course I want to talk to you dummy. You're my best friend, I love you and wouldn't want to change you for anyone else. We need to be here for each other more than ever now. We can't walk away now when all we have is each other." She spoke. She is trying to sound strong for us but I know she wants to break down.

"You should talk to Aisli also. She really cares for you. Please figure things out between you two. All of us have to stick together now. Even Aisli. She's apart of our group. Maybe not now, but when you're ready, talk to her." Taylor told me.

"Okay, I will. Thank you Tay. I love you too. Can I stay with you tonight? I don't want to be alone." I asked her.

"Of course you. I'll have your things ready here whenever you want to come home. Just please be safe while driving. We're all hurt and angry and don't want anything to happen to you. We can't lose someone else." She sighed.

I agreed. After we talked for a bit, we said our goodbyes and hung up. I stayed on the ground seated for about five more minutes. I got up and opened my car door. I started the car and drove to Taylor's house. I thought about what Taylor said. She's right, I should talk to Aisli, but I just need time. I don't want to lose her, but I'm just very hurt by everything. She says she never told anyone, but how would Shannon know? Shannon was no where near us. We were literately in the room together.

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