Chapter 17

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Jessica's P.O.V

I watched as Shannon took Aisli outside, once she closed the doors, I tried my best to get the ropes off. Aisli did cut most if it so it was easier ripping them off. Once I got them off my hands, I moved my legs around so I could take off the ropes from there.

Once I was able to get then off, I stood up and had to hold on to the pole for a bit from how bad my legs were hurting. When I was okay to walk, I noticed another gun laying on the floor where Spencer was.

I ran to where the small wooden doors were, unlocked it and then pushed it open. Once it was opened, I ran up the small steps to go outside. I looked around and didn't see them.

I heard yelling more towards the back of the yard. There I noticed the shack that Shannon had mentioned. I ran over there and opened the door wide opened. I ran in and saw them fighting. Shannon didn't have the gun in her hands. Aisli must have pushed it away or something.

I tried pointing the gun towards Shannon, but lets be honest here, I never shot a gun before and they were moving around too much I didn't want to shoot Aisli, and now I'm nervous and I really don't want to shoot Shannon.

I put the gun down and grabbed Shannon's arm and tried pulling her away from Aisli, but instead I end up pulling them both towards me and Aisli yelled in pain. Shannon elbowed me on the nose making me hiss from the pain. I touched the bottom of my nose and it was already starting to bleed.

I wiped the blood off with my hands and then rubbed my hands against my clothes. This time I walked up to them and pushed myself in between them. I faced Shannon and pushed her hard towards the floor. I got on top of her and started punching her face repeatedly.

I felt someones hand touch my shoulder and I looked up to see Aisli behind me.

"J it's okay. We can go. We should go." She told me, trying to get me off of Shannon. I nodded and was about to get up when she flipped us over, also pushing Aisli out of the way. This time she repeatedly punched me in the face. But not for long since I grabbed both her wrists and held her from punching me. She pushed both her knees on me and pressed down against my stomach.

I tried moving to get her off but I couldn't. She held herself tight and started pushing her wrists towards my neck, pressing down. I started coughing at first but she pushed down harder and it was getting harder to breath with her wrists and knees pressed down hard. I moved my legs, squirming but it was no use.

I was gasping for air for I don't know how long but it felt like hours. I tried putting all my strength in fighting against her. Suddenly I heard a gun shot and I jumped thinking I got shot.

Shannon's grip against me softened and I opened my eyes. She looked at me, and coughed up blood which landed on me. I pushed her off and looked all over me to see if I saw a bullet hole on me. But I didn't see anything so I looked over Shannon and saw a bullet hole on the back of her neck and a lot of blood coming out.

I turned back and saw Aisli holding the gun still towards Shannon, shaking.

I quickly got up and walked to her.

"Babe, it's okay, give me the gun. She's dead. Give me the gun." I said convincing her to give me the gun.

She still was a little hesitant.

"Love, look at me please." I told her. She moved her eyes and focused on me. She nodded and gave me the gun slowly, still shaking.

I grabbed the gun from her and put it over some counter top that was there.

I walked back to Aisli and she looked terrified.

"Aisli?" I spoke.

She looked at me, her lips trembling.

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