Chapter 5

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Jessica's P.O.V

Ever since Aisli and I kissed, which was two weeks ago, we have gotten a lot closer. Of course not like how close Taylor and I are, more of a different kind of close. Taylor is my best friend along with Spencer and Izzy. But with Aisli it's different, I really like her and want to be with her but I don't know if she feels the same. I know we shared a heated kiss and it felt like she was into it but at the same time, there are friends who do make out. I just don'y want to do something that will turn out very bad at the end. I know it sounds like I'm going too fast, trying to be close to someone that I have known for about a month now. Wow, Aisli has been here already for a month now.

Anyways, I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship because I over stepped. Of course we have been making out sometimes and cuddling but I don't know if she's into girls and I'm afraid to ask her thinking she might feel disgusted. All of us are going out tonight, to a club. I've never been to a club, plus having some creepy guy all up on you is not what I want, hell I don't even want to be around men.

Now if it was a gay club, or an all girls/lesbian club, I definitely would go. But after we go to the club, we're all staying at a hotel. Spencer and Izzy in one room, Taylor and Michael, (yes her boyfriend will be joining us) and Aisli and I in another room. Of course Taylor felt bad when we were talking about our plans tonight at work, Shannon over heard and wished she had friends to go out with so she invited her. Though she will be in a room by herself.

Anyways, we are leaving after work so that we have plenty of time getting a hotel close to a club. There is seven people going and we are taking two cars. Taylor, Michael, Spencer and Izzy are going in Michael's car, while Aisli and I are going in my car and of course Shannon would have to go in my car. It will be a very long awkward car ride with her in the car but at least she is going to have her own room. Since Shannon is leaving with us, she has to leave work early. The same time Taylor and I get out. We get out at 4, and it's only 12:30. This day can't go by any slower.

Aisli hasn't come in to get her usual. We already, well I made her ice coffee already. It's in the freezer and now I'm just waiting for her to come in so I can give it to her. Soon after the door opened and it was Aisli. I smiled and went to the freezer and grabbed her drink.

"Hey Ais" I said giving her her drink. She took it and gave me her card.

"Thank you J!"

"Oh J, before I go, when should I get ready? No one has told me what time we are leaving." She asked me.

"Oh I'm sorry! I thought I texted you. We are leaving as soon as Tay and I get off work. Which is around 4. Just make sure you're ready by then. I'll pass by your house to pick you up. Oh Shannon is coming with us also and she's riding with you and me." I finished.

"Alright, cool. I'll see you at around 4 then." She told me. I didn't ask for her address because I already know where she lives. Remember how I said we have been spending lots of time together? Well yea, we've been going to each others houses a lot. I nodded and said see you around 4.

After she grabbed her coffee, she walked out to her car. I stared at her as she opened the door and got in her car.

"J?" I jumped hearing someone say right next to me. I looked over and saw Shannon standing next to me.

"Not to be rude or anything but J sounds weird. Also didn't know she was coming." I heard her scoff. I raised my eyebrow at her and was about to say something when Taylor came to the front to talk to me. She's lucky Taylor came or I would've said something rude. When she first started here, Shannon was really sweet and all but through out the years she started acting different towards me, and it was only me. She hated every time some girl would flirt with me. And now she's been somewhat rude to Aisli. I don't like it at all, she needs to watch herself. She's lucky Taylor felt bad and invited her to come tonight, because if it was for me, she wouldn't have come at all or be near us. Shannon left to the back and I just glared at her.

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