Chapter 4

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Aisli's P.O.V
I've been here in Florida for about a week now. I've made a new best friend, her name is Jessica. I met her other three friends, Taylor, Spencer, and Izzy. They all seem really kind and welcomed me. But I am getting closer to Jessica, I call her J now. I like J, she was so sweet when we first me. And when we went to the mall earlier this week, I had so much fun with her.

I haven't gotten her three friends that well, I was for a few minutes and then they each had to be somewhere. But tonight we are all meeting at J's house and having a slumber party. I've never been to a sleep over, so this will be an exciting event. Anyways it will be exciting.

I told J I wouldn't stop by Starbucks today. I'm meeting my mom again for the second time this week. I haven't seen in over five years. It's hard trying to visit her since I got here, but she's in a facility where they take care of cancer patients. That's right, my mom has cancer. She has had it for three years. She has stage 3 cancer. I had a hard time coming down here to Florida to live so I could be closer to my mom because of my father.

My mom and dad divorced about 16 years ago, when I was five. She moved out and I stayed with my dad. Of course my mom would visit occasionally, but when she wasn't visiting is when my father's true colors come out. He abused me, physically, mentally and emotionally. He was also an alcoholic. When ever he drank, it was worse for me. But when my mom visited, he acted so caring of me and I had to act like he never hits me.

I lived with him from since I was five when my mom left till a few months ago after I turned 21. When I turned 21, I ran away and stayed at my friends house. After I ran away, my father kept calling me, texting me even calling my friends to see where I was and if I didn't come home soon, things would get worse for me. It got so bad that I finally called the cops on him. They arrested him four months ago.
My friend let me stay with her for months until I saved up enough money, (she helped a bit) and I was able to move down here and get me a small apartment. Anyways enough about me for now.
I'm in the car driving. Been driving for about an hour. This place is like an hour and a half from my apartment . You must be wondering, does my mom know what my father has done to me? She does now, after I called the cops, I called her and told her everything. She cried her eyes out basically over the phone. She wishes I had told her sooner and that she never left me with him.

I checked the GPS on my phone and it says I'm about 15 minutes aways. i checked my surroundings to see if there was any fast food around me. I noticed Burger king was right there on my right. I switched to the turning lane to go right. As soon as the light turned green, I turned right and drove to the drive through area. There was one car in front of me.
As soon as the person in front of me finished ordering, I pulled up the speaker thing and the robot machine goes, "Hello, welcome to Burger king, we'll be with you in a few minutes."

Soon a person starts to speak over the speaker, "Hello welcome to burger king. Would you like to try our original sandwich today?"

"No thank you. I would like the two for $5 chicken fries, the 8 piece mozzarella sticks."

"Do you want anything to drink?"
"Yes, I would like a medium Dr.pepper please." I told the person.

"Okay, and is that all for you today?"


"Okay, your total is going to be $8.65" They finished.

"Okay, thank you." I said then drove up to the car that was in front of me earlier. I pulled out my wallet and grabbed my card. While I was waiting for them to pay, I noticed I had a text message. It was from J.

J: I miss you! I wish I could've saw you earlier today. Tonight just seems so far away :(

Me: Lol, J. I miss you too. I'm close to where my mom is so I won't text you till later this afternoon. But just know I can't wait until tonight for the slumber party!! :p

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