Chapter 12

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Aisli's P.O.V

"What do you mean you saw Shannon at her Izzy's funeral? Are you sure you saw her?" I heard Taylor ask Jessica.

"Yes I'm sure. At first I wasn't but I swear I saw her face. She wasn't exactly in her funeral, she was a little further away by the trees in the back just staring." J told us.

"Why the hell was she doing there. The hell she wants?" Spencer spoke, anger in her voice. I was listening to the girls but I was more concerned about with what's going on that I was in my own thoughts.

"She's been following me. She wants me. She's mad because I went back with Aisli, and now she's targeting her next." J told us. All of our heads sho towards her, why didn't she tell me this at the funeral, that Shannon has been following her? Was she scared?

"Why didn't you tell me she's been following you?" I asked her.

"I didn't want to worry you, any of you. I was going to try and handle the situation on my own, but she's starting to target you guys and I'm freaking out. We know what she's capable of, who knows what she'll do next or when." She said, shakiness in her voice.

"Worry us? Jess we've been through a lot together, all of us. We stick together, you don't have to do this alone. We are here with you, we will take her down. All of us. She already hurt us once, she's not going to take another one of us away. We all have each other okay? She's not going to hurt us anymore, she won't hurt Aisli. We just have to play smarter than her. Okay? She won't hurt us, but please don't do anything yourself, all of us have to work together." Spencer told her, walking to her and sitting next to her, putting her arms around her. Taylor walked over to them and sat on the other side of Jessica and put her arms around her, having a group hug. I just stood there awkwardly staring around.

"Come here Ais, you're family." Taylor said looking at me, Jessica stretched one of her arms out so I could grab her hand. I smiled and took it, joining their group hug. I wrapped my arms around J and the other two girls wrapped their arms around me. We were like that for at least five minutes.

"Well I got to go meet Michael soon, so I'm leaving. I'll see you guys later." Taylor said, breaking the group hug. She hugged us all individually and left. Spencer had to leave as well, just leaving Jessica and me alone in her apartment.

"So, it's just you and me alone. No one here to interrupt us." J said, giving me a smirk once she closed the front door. I smiled and walked up to her and started kissing her. She turned me around so that now I was pressed against the wall.

"Wait, wait, wait babe. What are we gonna do about Shannon?" I giggled, pausing our kiss.

"Babe, as much as we got to think about that, I don't want to think about that now. I just want to think about you, I want you." She told me, sincere showing in her eyes. I smiled and started kissing her again.

We were full on making out now, she moved her hands that were pressed against my back to the back of my thighs.

"Jump." She demanded.

I jumped and wrapped my legs around her, she moved her hand to my ass now, moving a lot closer to me, I was between her and the wall and there was no space. With me wrapped around J and her holding me tight, she walked up the stair to her room. When we got in her room, she closed the door and laid me down on her bed. She took her shirt off and got on top of me. Leaning over kissing me again. She grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it over my head, throwing it somewhere on the floor. I went to pull down her shorts, she finished taking them off as well as mine and threw them on the floor, leaving us in our bra and underwear making out on her bed.

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