Chapter 6

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Jessica's P.O.V

"Happy two months baby!" Aisli squealed right next to me. I rolled my eyes and giggled. I'm not much 'months person' I didn't even think Aisli was either. But she seemed really excited that we've been together for two months already. Of course I'm excited as well. I've been with someone that I really like for two months already, it feels so fast. Of course my friends don't know but I'm planning on telling them tonight, at Spencer's house. She's throwing a party since her parents are out.

Aisli knows I'm telling them, she's going to be with me the whole time. I'm so scared right now. I think about backing out but I know someday I have to tell them. They are apart of my life and I want them to know everything about me, they're my best friends so I hope they understand and that they still love me for who I am.

"Happy two months babe." I told her, having a big smile on my face and giving her a kiss. She kissed me back, our kiss was slow and passionate. I had the day off, as well as Aisli. That's right Aisli got a job, she works at an outlet store. She started working the day after we got together. She works different hours everyday, or there are some days she's off, but sometimes it's hard to see her because she either works in the morning while I work in the morning as well or she closes. So if she closes, I'm home alone taking a nap and waiting for her to come. I know she has an apartment but she has been staying with me mostly.

Anyways for our day off, we were going to go out the whole day just spending time with each other and then we'll go to the party later tonight at 8. Right now it's 10 in the morning and we were going to start off our day by going to eat at IHOP. I love IHOP. Aisli says she's never been and I looked at her crazy and told her we have to go so she can try their pancakes.

I wore a pair of dark blue high waist skinny jeans, with a black t-shirt and a black beanie. Aisli wore white shorts with my pink hoodie. She's been wearing more of my shirts and hoodies instead of hers. Which I don't mind, it makes me happy. Seeing my girlfriend wearing my things.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth then fixed my hair. Soon my girlfriend walked in and brushed her teeth. While she brushed her teeth, I brushed her hair. This was our usual routine. We'd brush each others hair, fixed whatever needed to be fixed on our outfits. Sometimes I would help her fix her makeup when she asked me too. Though I did tell her I've never put makeup on and I'm bad at it.

While I brushed her hair, she asked me "How come you never show your natural hair more. It's looks so beautiful, not saying your straight isn't. But you should show your natural hair more often babe."

"To be honest, I hated my hair for so long. My curly hair never worked with me. But you know what, when I'm around you, I'll have my natural hair. Then maybe I'll get use to it and have it natural more often." I told her.

"Now are you ready?" I asked her.

"Yes, I'm ready. I'm so hungry I think I'm going to die." She exaggerated, then gave me a quick kiss. I rolled my eyes at her, she loves food and if she doesn't have it she'll get moody or be a drama queen. But I love her.... Wait, did I say love? I know I really like my girlfriend and I want to spend the rest of my life with her but I don't know if loving her would be to fast. Plus I don't know how love feels like yet. I've been with one person back in high school and I thought I loved them, but it turns out I didn't. But I do want to love Aisli, she means the world to me and I wouldn't want her gone away from me.

"Alright, lets go then." I tell her. We went to and put our shoes on. After we put them on, I grabbed her hand and walked downstairs. I grabbed my keys and unlocked my door. When we were outside, I locked my door and grabbed my girlfriend's hand again and walked with her to my car. I opened the passenger side door for her. She got in and then I closed the door. I walked to my side, opened the door and got in. I started my car, and started driving towards IHOP. It was a 30 minute drive.

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