Chapter 34

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Laura Conti's POV

My family mansion was located in Rome but of course, being married to Lucca Giovanni, we have the private jet to fly there overnight. It was a nice memory to go back to Rome with my encounter with Lucca's family and my childhood backyard.

"We're ready to land, sir," the pilot stated as Lucca just waved his hand.

"Home, I miss it," I said as I looked down on the city. The ancient city was known over the world for its power and wealth.

"Yes, and where we first met, remember?" Lucca said as he kissed my hand. I chuckled at his cheesiness.

"Ah yes, the famous Lucca Giovanni that spends his time screaming in the dark," I said as I remembered our childhood together.

"Hey, don't judge, it was a scary place to be in there," he whined as he pouted his lips. I laughed at him before kissing him. His mood always got better when I kissed him.

"Of course, whatever you say, amore," I said as the plane just landed at the hangar and we were ready to move to my childhood home. Lucca had specifically told his employees that he will be driving me from now on.

No more chauffeur and all other staff as I requested for him. I can always take public transport and such when going to the campus, but no...Lucca Giovanni wanted to drive me himself. Not that I complained but can't help thinking how sweet that was.

"Sir," his valet gave him the keys to his Lamborghini as we were walking toward the car. They already put our carry-on in the trunk as Lucca took the keys. He went to open the door for me to go into and I slid in before he went to the driver's seat and started the ignition and drove out of the private jet hangar.

The drive was how we went to visit my in-laws but only different routes and junctions. It was a sunny day and sunshine was shining over my face as Lucca's convertible was opening the roof. I wore sunglasses to protect my eyes as well as Lucca's.

The radio was playing Katy Perry's Teenage Dream as I was listening to it. Looking at Lucca, he was just like the actor in the music video, and I was Katy Perry, singing to him.

"If you keep staring, dolcezza, we need to make a few stops before reaching on time," Lucca said. I just laughed at his remark before looking at the scenery of the city with its colosseum and its people wandering around the city on a sunny afternoon.

Lucca made a turn and drove for another 10 minutes before a huge medieval mansion came into view. He stopped the car in front of the gate before punching in the numbers that I told him for the gates to open. He drove into the courtyard and stopped in front of the large door before the butler opened it.

"Home, sweet home," I said as I got out of the car, and the maids just getting our stuff. I looked over at Lucca as he handed the keys to the butler to park inside the garage.

"Are you ready?" He asked as he was coming toward me and offered his hand.

"As I would ever be," I said as we walked inside the room and went to my late father's study. It was the same as I remembered. The mahogany, the smell, the limited lights coming from outside. Ah...memories.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Giovanni. I hope it's not too late to say congratulations on your wedding," Mr. Russo said as he shook hands with us.

"Thank you," Lucca replied to him as he gestured for us to take the seats in front of him. Kyle was there as well. He stood up from his seat to greet Lucca and me.

"Mia Sorella," he said as he kissed both off my cheeks and hugged me.

"Lucca," he said as he shook hands with my husband.

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