Chapter 15

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Lucca Giovanni's POV

"Laura!" I called for Laura as I went to the bedroom. She was not there. I looked in the closet and bathroom, she was nowhere to be found. I was about to lose my mind when I cannot find her. I was about to call her cell when the door was opening and Talia and Laura were talking animatedly about France and castles.

"Oh my god, Laura, you have been to a lot of places. I wish I could go and travel around like you," my sister said before noticing me in the bedroom.

"Brother," Talia said as she was clinging to Laura. She was looking at Talia before looking at me and staring into my orbs. Her amethyst stare was looking into my soul before Talia cleared her throat.

"Okay, so, I will let you pack for the picnic. I see you in a bit," Talia said before she went out of the bedroom. Laura smiled and nodded at her before closing the bedroom door. Suddenly, I felt nervous and this enormous space between us suddenly turned small. I was breathing heavily when Laura went to the bathroom to freshen up. I followed her into the bathroom.

"Laura, we need to talk," I said as I was leaning on the door frame. Laura was washing her face with a foaming cleanser and rinsing it. She took the towel and wiped her face. It was all bare and natural and she did not mind it at all that I looked at her face without any makeup on. I was impressed when her skin was glowing.

"What's to talk about?" Laura said before taking her toothbrush and brushing her teeth. I gulped before rubbing the back of my neck.

"About our relationship," I began before she cleaned up her toothbrush and her teeth.

"What about it?" Laura said as she took the towel again and wiped her mouth. It was so enticing and full that I wanted to kiss it.

No, Lucca, control yourself. You need to come clean before kissing her.

I cleared my throat before speaking, "I want to give our relationship a try, I mean a real relationship, not by some pre-nuptial agreement that you want to use me for finding out about your father's death. I want to make it right, I don't want to lie to anyone anymore," I said as I was rubbing my back neck and avoiding her eyes.

I don't want her to see me vulnerable as it was not in my vocabulary to be vulnerable, especially in front of a woman. She wiped her mouth and stopped after listening to my confession. She was quiet, not moving one bit, and just stare at my reflection through the bathroom mirror.

Laura put down the towel before moving toward the door. I closed my eyes as I was sure she would just walk past me. If she did, I would never confess to anyone or be in a romantic relationship again.

I was waiting for her to move past me but she did not. I slowly opened my eyes when I felt someone was staring at me. I opened to see the amethyst orbs that had my heart since childhood looking at me in my most vulnerable state. And she was there, staring at me silently.

"You know how long I wait for that," Laura said before grabbing my face roughly and claiming my lips on her mouth.

Rough. Passionate. Lingering...

My eyes went as wide as saucers before I pulled her by the waist and crushed her back against the bathroom wall. She moaned and I groaned in response. I kissed her neck, ear, collarbone, and her face. It was so intoxicating that I have been wanting to do it ever since I watched her in the cemetery for the first time in three years.

"You have no idea how long I wanted to do this," I said before going to the hollow of her neck and shoulder making her moan as it was the most sensitive skin and she writhed under my touch. I chuckled at her reaction and I was glad that only I can make her pant the way that she was right now.

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