Chapter 12

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Laura Conti's POV

The dinner went great, more than what I have expected. Lucca, Talia, and I were talking about many things that have been happening around the world. One particular topic that seemed very interesting to Talia was the architecture and the artifacts that can be found in medieval castles.

"So, Laura, how does it feel to travel back in time when you were in Albania? I heard there were so many castles that were abandoned and no one wants to buy them," Talia said as she popped her hands on the table and put it under her chin, it was adorable enough that I wanted to squeeze her.

"Huh, let's see. I have been to Rodoni, Rozafa, Drishti, and Fortress Castles. All of them are the same from the outside, but on the inside, it has their charisma and their past was different from one another.

"You can trace the artifacts that were being presented on display as a replica, but I got to the exciting part as I am a part of the archeologist team that was trying to discover the remnants of the Vikings that have probably landed in Albania or the German Barbaric that were rumored to be settling down there," I said as I looked at Lucca who was looking rather intensely at me.

"Wow, I never thought it would be that interesting. Brother, have you visited these castles before? Or would you rather not go there at all?" Talia asked genuinely. I was nervous to listen to Lucca's answer as I was drinking the water.

"Hmm, I have been there, several times in the past 3 years. It's just...something about Albania that made me wanna go there and see with my own eyes its beauty," he said as he popped his hand on the table and looked at me with his slate orbs. I almost choked on my drink as I was coughing so hard.

"Are you okay, Laura?" Talia asked before she handed me the handkerchief for me to wipe my bloody mess on the table and my dress.

"Yes, I'm fine. I just need to use the restroom," I said as I stood up from my seat. Lucca stood up as well.

"Right, let's go. Talia, why don't you go see mum and dad know that we will turn in early for the night? Laura was tired from the traveling," Lucca said as he put his hand on my waistline.

"Okay," Talia said before going to get her parents. I closed my eyes when I realized that I was alone with Lucca, again. I just don't want my self-control to be thrown out of the window.

"Come, let me get you clean up," Lucca said as he pulled me along toward the staircase and went to the second floor toward his bedroom.

"Wait," I said as I stopped along the hallway, and Lucca arched his eyebrow, "do we have to be sleeping in the same room?" I said as chuckled nervously, "I mean, we're just pretending, we don't have to sleep with each other," I whispered to him, to make sure no one can hear the last bit.

"Well, we already engaged, so they must not believe it if we do not live in the same room, aren't they?" Lucca said devilishly before scooping me up, bridal style.

"Argh!" I was startled when he just picked me up and went inside the room before closing the door behind him.

Lucca was heading toward the bathroom inside the bedroom. He put me down on the countertop when his expert hands were going for the buttons of my blouse.

"Wait, what are you doing?" I stopped his hands from moving down to make me naked in front of him.

"Help you change," he said casually before continuing his task.

"No, you don't have to, please just let me clean up," I said as I was pushing out of the way to get away from him.

"Really? I wonder how that will turn out," Lucca said as he traced the side of my breasts. I gulped at his gesture when he was nuzzling my neck. His cologne was so intoxicating that I was about to get into a haze state and let him do whatever he wanted to me.

"Lucca..." I whispered.

"Just say the word, Laura and I will be yours," he whispered in my left ear.

"I'm tired. Just let me get ready for bed," I said before pushing him off me and going outside the bathroom to get my toiletries and my night pajamas.

"Really? You were that to sleep?" Lucca said as he was leaning on the bathroom door, looking at my choice of attire.

"What, you think I'm going to wear something that is appealing to your liking, sir?" I said before I passed him and put my stuff on the counter.

"I am kind of hoping that," Lucca said as he turned to look at me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Okay, mister, out you go," I said as I pushed him out of the bathroom.

"What? Can't I stay with you and help?" He said smugly as I was glaring at him. He put his hands up as a sign of surrender.

"But, at least, can I have something? To compensate me carrying you?" Lucca said as he stopped at the door frame. I was pushing him hard but he wouldn't budge. I let out a sigh before looking at him, annoyed to the bones.

"Okay, what is it that you want now?" I asked him. He looked me up and down, eyeing me like a hungry predator that was about to subdue his prey.

"We need to sleep together on the same bed," he said. I glared at him murderously.

"Not in this life, pal," I said to him.

"Ah, but remember, Ms. Conti, on our agreement, Number 4: Ms. Conti will need to share the bed with Mr. Giovanni to convince Mrs. Giovanni that both parties were truly in love as well as living with him during the arrangement. You know, what if my parents come into our room and they find me sleeping on the floor? They would never believe we fall in love," he said as I was face palming myself mentally. Of course, the agreement! Why don't I refuse to not sleep on the same bed with him?

"Come on, Laura, it's just sleeping on the same bed. It's not like we were doing something else, which I don't mind if the other party agreed to do with me," Lucca said while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ugh, in your dreams, Lucca," I said, "Now, can I please have some privacy?" I asked him. He just smirked and bowed at me before going out of the bathroom. I went back to the counter and was about to take off my clothes when he popped his head again.

"The towels are in the cabinets, in case you were wondering," he said before smirking at me and going out. I ran toward the door and made sure that it stayed locked this time. I can't risk him barging in again. I sighed a relief.

I looked at my face which was sunken and out of shape. I held my face and cursed at myself for not being presentable to Aunt Amara. No wonder she preferred Lucia over skinny old me. I was a hot mess.

I looked at my black hair which had lost its glossy as I had no time to get to the salon for treatment. The dark circle under my eyes because of the caffeine and my workload that never finished.

One perk of being an assistant professor was that I get to choose when I held my classes.

And since we will be staying here until Tuesday before we went back to Milan and Verona, I think it might be best for me to relax even though Aunt Amara and that wench Lucia were around, I will not let them make my life miserable. If anything should be miserable, it's Lucca. He just had that little trick to get what he wanted with me.

After I showered and put on my pajamas, I went out to find that Lucca was not in the room. I was as happy as I can do my night routine without someone interfering with me and I can do it peacefully.

I was brushing my hair and afterward went to the bed on the right side. It was so fluffy and when I put my head down, I went into the abyss of darkness immediately.

"Laura, why do you push me away? I said I was sorry for everything. I was young and stupid and all I ever think about was when you were not by my side was YOU..." a voice in the void kept stirring in my dreams.

"Please don't go, don't leave me," I murmured.

"I won't. Not anymore, rest, my beautiful dolcezza," a voice answered my calling and as I was falling deeper into the abyss, I was happy to know that someone will catch me even if I fall.

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