Suvira Nanny Au (part 2??? I guess?)

Start from the beginning

"Huan?" She whispered into the seemingly empty house.

"Who are you?" She looked to her left with a frown and a furrowed brow. The stranger, seemed somehow familiar, held a mug in his hand. His hair was tied back in a short pony, graying at the end. Thick rimmed glasses boxed in his eyes she felt like it was the only thing she could focus on.

"I should ask you the same thing." Kuvira replied, crossing her arms.

"I live here."

"Nice try asshole, get out before I call the Police." The man laughed, setting down his mug and cracking his knuckle.

Who does this guy think he is? Is he trying to intimate me?

"I'm Bataar Beifong," he clarified, "get out of my house.


Su stirred to the sound of coffee being brewed. She blink her eyes open, looking at the clock.

What the hell? It was nearly three jn the morning, and Kuvira was brewing coffee.

What's gotten into her?

She pried herself from the scrambled sheets where she put in her robe. She tied it as she made her way up the stairs to find the kitchen light on.

"Kuvira what's going on up- oh." Kuvira smiled sheepishly from the counter where she sat across from Su's technical husband.

"Bataar?" She asked, dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry I just dropped in like this. I tried to get a hotel but they wouldn't take me at this hour without a reservation."

"So you just... came into my house?"

"Our house, Suyin." She blinked at him, glancing to Kuvira who tapped the counter.

"Sorry, just, Kuvira can I talk to you for a moment."

"Yes of course. Ma'am?" Su raised an eyebrow and Kuvira tried to brush it off as she followed Su to the end of the hall.

"Why didn't you wake me?" Su asked, glancing to him."

"I haven't had time. He showed up, squared off with me and then demanded coffee. You didn't miss much, I tried to refrain from mentioning... us." Su sighed, placing her fingers to her forehead.

"He's here about the papers, I had the attorney send them to him last week. Did he bring Jr with him?"

"Not that I can tell. Su, you didn't tell me you were filing so soon." Kuvira said, reaching for her arm.

"I know... I didn't even know I was doing it. Well he's here now..."

"What do we do with him?" Kuvira asked.

"I don't know, I guess we'll put him in the guest room."

"What about my things?"

"I'll buy you some time to move them." Kuvira nodded, making her way downstairs while Su returned to the kitchen.

"I'm sure Kuvira treated you well." Su said, standing across from him.

"She did, seems like a nice young nanny. She's the one that called me the night Jr ran off right?"

"Yes, that's her."

"I ought to thank her then."

Mmmmm, maybe hold off on that for now.

"Look, it's late," Su said, "I'm exhausted, you look terrible-"


"Take the guest room tonight, Kuvira will take the sofa."

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