~Part Twenty-Seven~

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I am seething

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I am seething.

"Thanks for bringing her back." I dismiss Ramone.

Not taking my eyes off of her I wait until I hear him leave that I turn around and clench my fists.


"Listen Callan, I'm sorry I was just being snoopy and I felt like I needed to-"

"NEEDED? You don't NEED anything. You are a whiney child that needs to stay PUT." Her eyes go wide as she processes what I just said.

"I forgave you once before for pushing me away. Be very careful what you say next." She adds as her eyes narrow at me in disgust.

"Watch what I say?! I am THE KING. I don't listen to whores who can't mind their business." Her eyes widen in confusion.


"Let us all remember Clyde." I add a little too late. Shit. I'm getting too emotional, and saying way too much.

She looks like she's on the verge of murder. Good.

"You're not my problem right now. I'm going to Italy this weekend to deal with something. You are to stay put and do what Archer tells you. Considering I tell Archer what to do, don't think I won't be around. I'll be back before Christmas." I add while she stomps out.


"She took that well." I hear Steven chirp from the intercom. Damn two way son of a-

"Get me Jade."


"OH YES CALLAN!! FUCK MEEEEE!!!" Jade screams from under me.

I clamp my hand over her mouth, "Shut up you whore." I say as I pound into her.

This doesn't even feel good. Normally I have a few select secretaries get me off but Jesus Christ if she doesn't shut up I'll fire her from the kitchen staff.

"MFFFS GBRRRD" she tries to scream out of my palm.

Right now she's bent flat on my desk while her ass hangs off the side. Seeing their faces irritate me.

I look at my watch and roll my eyes. This is what I get for not just getting one of The Dagger's Hookers. Quick and quiet.

I can feel her go to start screaming again so I lean forward, "if you don't shut up I'm going to shoot you." I add before biting her ear and standing back up.

I feel her tense under me from what I presumed was fear until I felt her shake and her hand swiped the pen cup off my desk.

I threaten to shoot her and she cums. Daddy issues party of one.

Just as that thought leaves my mind another one comes just as quickly. I get lost in my thoughts as I see Aurelia's face on the phone with her father two years ago at my club. She was so angry for some reason but I could see her flushed cheeks from my office.

I've made those cheeks flush.

Just like that I empty myself inside what's-her-name and lay down on top of her back.

One thought about Aurelia's face and I'm done for.

This is so much worse than Raphael thought.

"Uhm." I hear somewhere in the recesses of my mind.

I feel Jade try to cover the side of her breast facing the door and I look over to see Aurelia standing there.

My heart drops before I grab it by the balls and tell it to get a grip. It's for the best.

I remove myself from my dishwasher and adjust myself back in my pants.

"Need something, Miss Beck?" I smile arrogantly at her.

She clears her throat and looks at my bookshelf while the redhead underneath me grabs her clothes and excuses herself.

"I was coming to apologize for snooping, but now I'm just saying goodbye." I turn around when her voice cracks.

It's for the best. It's for the best. It's for the best.

"See you Monday." I say while I stroll past her out of my office.

I see Bee when I make it in the elevator and she quirks her eye at my lack of a shirt. She smirks before her eye catches Aurelia running out of my private office with her head in her hands.

Bee pulls the emergency stop and hits the button for the second floor again.


"I'm not going to yell."

I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Her mother died. Her father clearly doesn't care if she exists or not. She has had virtually no friends except for Raphael. The one time she opens herself up in life, you make sure to obliterate her spirit."

The elevator dings open as her heels click out onto the black hardwood floor.

"You are responsible for whatever move she choses to make next, Cal."

The doors shut and I click the button to the first floor again. I hear the intercom click off and I know Steven heard that as well.

Aurelia Beck is everything I want, and absolutely nothing I deserve.

I just hope if she self destructs, she doesn't take me down with her.


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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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