~Part Twenty-Four~

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"Other than the obvious disadvantages, try your best to follow along

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"Other than the obvious disadvantages, try your best to follow along." Arch says to Aurelia on the mat.

"Disadvantages??" Aurelia questions and she drops her hands on her hips. Big mistake.

He spins her around with the palm of his left hand and kicks the inside of her knee in. Then, he puts her in a chokehold once she's kneeling on the floor.

I love training.

"There's one." He states simply as she wiggles around.

"You cock sucker." She chokes out while her face turns red from lack of oxygen and frustration.

"There's two, low blow by the way. You really think I bottom?" Her eyes to wide as she processes the remark.

I see his nod as I open my water bottle and squeeze while she gets doused with water across from where I'm sitting.


"There's three." He says as he lets her go and I throw her a small towel.

"What the fuck was that you guys?" She says and spits out some water.

My brother really knows how to pick them.

I stand up and grab my water bottle.

"You're easily distracted, you let your emotions cloud your rational decisions, and you trust too easily." He says while nodding in my direction.

I throw her a dazzling grin.

She rolls her eyes and takes her hoodie off revealing a bright purple sports bra.

Being fourteen is hard sometimes.

I throw my empty water bottle aside and grab my fun bottle from under my chair.

Arch gives me a look but he knows I won't stop so he doesn't say anything.

I close my eyes as I feel the burn down my throat and in my chest and I smile. Being damaged never felt so good.

"Let's do this." She says with what I assume is supposed to be a serious face but she just looks constipated.

"If you want to intimidate someone, use your looks. Trying to scare them won't work unless you make them fear you. Obviously, you aren't there yet so just use your body." I say as I open my eyes to see her scowling at me.

"What? I'm not going to beat around a bush with you. I'm the blunt brother, remember?" She still looks irritated but still nods.

"Why are you in here? You don't need to be." She asks, not rudely just curiously.

"I'm always in here for training. In the case that Callan dies, I need to know this shit. Although I've been able to fight his best men since I was 9, and I could beat them at 12." She looks at me with pity.

I never understood that.

I love being in the Daggers. I love feeling powerful. I can literally do whatever the fuck I want with barely any consequences. The grief is the only thing that nearly destroyed me. Luckily, or unluckily, Callan sent me off when Luther died so I didn't have to be in this environment.

In this house.

Don't get me wrong, I train as much as I can. After Luther, we saw how quickly the Daggers take a major hit. Now, I'm not only a skilled warrior, but I know all of the leadership aspects as well.

Archer is the only other person I know who truly cherishes our lifestyle. Him and Luther were kings. They were set to reign together until we lost him to fucking, Dimitri.

"Misei na einai vasilias. Prospatho na elafryno to fortio." (he hates being king. i'm just trying to lighten the load)

She knew who I was talking about. Archer stands there assessing the conversation. Just because he doesn't know Greek doesn't mean he won't know what we're talking about.

"Giati to misei?" (why does he hate it) she asks.

"Our family wasn't broken when he was growing up. He decided the only way to rule was to rule alone...
den pisteyei stin agapi." (he doesn't believe in love)

"He envies what he believes he cannot have." She says as she realizes he truly doesn't want to be king.

"He didn't get the fun 'revel in torture and mischief' gene that I did." I say grinning as she rolls her eyes.

Good that was getting too touchy-feely for me.

"Knives." Archer says randomly. Well, not randomly but it jolted us out of talking about the Lonely Leader.

"Since you need to train in hand to hand combat with someone, I am going to teach you the basics of throwing knives so you can practice alone if no one can work with you." Her eyes light up and she nods squealing.

This bitch is crazy.

I love it.

He shows her three daggers. One long and made of silver, with a full tang brass handle. Next, one that is medium length and made of steel with a dark leather grip. Lastly he shows her a small dagger made of black titanium and it has a black silicon grip.

I calculate her expression as she decides.

"Each one has its own strength and weakness, however I want you to only pick one. Each member has their own dagger that they get when they are initiated. Since you clearly stated your intentions to stay..well anyway." He says as guilt crossed over her features.

Maybe her intentions aren't as pure as she lets on. However she does have good taste as she takes the smallest of the three, made of the best materials.

"Good choice." I say as I stand up to make my way out.

"Try not to cut off his dick once he and Raphael make up from their little argument though. If you ever move downstairs you'll find out just how much he doesn't bottom." I wink as Archer throws the longest knife at me and it grazes my ear.

"You're getting sloppy Littlest Kingsman. Usually you catch those." He says harshly.

"I'm a masochist remember? Also I'm usually not half drunk when attacked." I retort as I grab my metal bottle and take a swig.

I kick the gym door open and strut into the hallway.

Littlest Kingsman.

One day, if Callan ever grows the balls to actually leave, I'll show them how well I can lead the Daggers.

It's not my fault I was born last. He's just pissy because he doesn't like when I drink.

Luther hated it too.

He was the one who was born to lead. It's literally in our names.

Luther, means soldier of the people. The leader.

Callan, means battle. Second in command during a crisis.

Baron, young warrior. I was literally born to be last.

Ugh this family has turned to shit. I heard that my mom used to call it "The Curse of The King's Men". Obliviously stupidity ran in the family. No men in our family make it past 30 without dying or going crazy like my d-


I take another drink and step out of the elevator towards my room.

We shipped that shit show off to Italy the second Dimitri became a problem.

I hope Aurelia figures out what she wants before we might need to count on her..and she's not here.

God I'm such a miserable drinker.

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