~Part Sixteen~

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"WHATS UP CUNT NUGGETS?" Baron shouts whilst walking into the dining room

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"WHATS UP CUNT NUGGETS?" Baron shouts whilst walking into the dining room.


I'm already in a mood since Aurelia has been pouting throughout the entirety of our breakfast.

Oh I'm sorry you can't hide from me in my bedroom anymore.

"LITTLE STEVEN!" Steven shouts back as he bolts up from his chair and they jump into each other's chests.

I've created a drug empire fraternity.

Baron sits beside me in the chair that was saved for him and starts grabbing French toast with his hands.

"Ou muspht ee Aooreelia." He points at Aurelia who's sitting diagonal to him while his mouth is full of toast.

"If you said that I must be Aurelia, then you'd be right." She responds while they assess each other.

Then she surprises me and looks directly at me.

"I can see the hot genes skipped a brother." She says deadpan and Steven and Baron laugh out loud.

"You and I are going to get along just fine, tesora." (treasure)

Fucking BARON.

"PARLI ITALIANO?" (you speak Italian) She asks loudly to no one in particular.

"Non lo sapevi?" (you didn't know?) Baron responds cluelessly.

Though he tries to be discreet I notice a disappointed Steven hand Archer a $100 bill under the table.

"FAI SCHIFO!" (you suck) Aurelia yells as she throws a muffin at me hitting me in the jaw.

"Non sono io quello che dovrebbe essere arrabiato?" (aren't I the one who should be angry) I ask her in perfect Italian while wiping the crumbs off of my face and suit.

Her face reddens as she remembers all of the Italian she's spat at me and spoken with Raphael in passing. He also adjusts himself in his seat.

"Of course I speak Italian. I run the Italian-American mafia. New York is just a branch, as was LA."

"Vaffanculo" (fuck you) she says to herself and looks up at me.

"Oopsies." She says 'innocently'.


This was a horrible idea.

We were all trying to plan tomorrow's brunch in more detail and Baron and Aurelia won't stop talking in Greek.

Fuck me for putting him in 7 different language lessons.

Fuck everything.

"Enough." I command. Everyone stops talking and looks at me.

At least I still have that going for me.

"Now that everyone has a better idea of what we're doing let's talk about schedules going forward."

I ignore the collective eye roll.

"Archer and Raphael will continue their daily trainings. Steven will-"

"Did you guys fuck?" Baron interrupts me crudely while pointing at Raphael and Archer.

Archer's face turns bright red and Raphael rolls his eyes.

"No we did not actually." Raphael responds to Baron disappointedly with some unresolved anger.

"You guys are really fucking weird." Baron says before motioning for me to continue.

God forbid I die one day and he takes this over. This kid has absolutely no filter.

"Like I was saying, Steven will be playing the part of a reporter, as will Baron, so we won't have our usual set of ears going into this. If something goes wrong with any one of us, you need to subtly get the attention of the person closest to you. Comms will be on, but we can't very well say anything aloud if we need help."

Everyone nods and I move to dismiss the meeting.

Everyone leaves the room except for Aurelia.

"Yes, Miss Beck?"

"You're a good brother." She smiles sympathetically at me.

I fucking hate Greek.

"I don't know what you two talked about but I don't need your pity." I firmly state while standing up.

She rolls her eyes.

"It wasn't pity. He's a good kid. You've done well. Take a fucking compliment."

I grab her wrist lightly before she's out the door. I've screwed up again. Shit.

"Th-thank you. It's hard sometimes. You don't know if you've done it right until it's too late to fix it."

She doesn't show me her face but I feel her body soften.

"He's a breath of fresh air that's for sure." We both chuckle at his more than colorful language.

"That he is."

For the first time since I met her, and all of the rooms we've stormed out of, we walk out of one together.

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