~Part Tweleve~

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I've been staring at the ceiling for over two hours and I'm still not any more tired

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I've been staring at the ceiling for over two hours and I'm still not any more tired. I can hear him breathing.

Is it weird to want to breathe someone's air from their mouth?

He almost kissed me. The worst part is I almost let him. I was so disappointed in myself that I almost let it happen, and I was also disappointed that he pulled away.

I just need to get laid. This is Stockholm syndrome.

"Ok Aurelia. You're a badass. You don't need to be pining over some damaged serial killer." I take a deep breath and turn over to try another sleeping position.

I hear the bedroom door open and shut and I jolt up.


This is why I don't share rooms with other people.


"Aurelia please meet me in the conference room at noon" Archer's voice floats through the intercom.

I rub my eyes and I'm confused by my surroundings until I remember why I'm in this masculine "black like my soul" bedroom.

I check my phone and it's 11:30 so I get up and search through my suitcase for something to wear while debating whether or not I need to shower. I showered last night so I should be fine.

No I didn't shower last night. Archer did. I can't believe he heard me talking to myself last night.

After actually decide to shower I blow dry my hair and put on the outfit I chose. Just because it's freezing outside doesn't mean a girl can't rock a sundress.

I walk downstairs and run into Raphael

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I walk downstairs and run into Raphael.

"Sleep well, cugina?" (cousin) He smiles knowingly.

"Fine, thanks Raph." I walk past him into the kitchen grabbing the first muffin I see.

Damn the mafia does breakfast right.

"When I woke up to find the leader of the American Mafia sleeping on the couch in the living room I almost pissed my pants." He laughs to himself.

I grab him by the ear and drag him into said living room.

"Do. Not. Antagonize. Me." I spit at him while I throw him on the ground. "Guardia del corpo un cazzo, vecchio uomo." (bodyguard my ass, old man)

I say as he pants on the floor.

"Perche' cosi' cugina difensivo?" (why so defensive cousin?) He asks suspiciously while clutching his ear.

Archer walks into the room with an interested expression.

"I'm glad your training starts today because that was incredibly easy." I face Archer and ignore my whining cousin at my feet.

"Steven is waiting for you in the dining room. Your first assignment is a dinner tonight with the State Senator of New York. He is under the impression that you are interested in interning with him because you feel New York has more potential than California."

I smile with no happiness.

"Anything to make my dad proud."


Steven spent the entirety of the day telling me everything there is to know about the plan for tonight, and everything about State Senator Rossin.

"So your job is to what?" He asks as if he hadn't drilled it into my head.

"Open him up so that Callan can get information on him to use later, so he has more control over the government in New York. It's just intel." I say quickly while walking with him out to the garage.

He hold his hand up for a high five, I indulge him.

"You're so gonna kill this, Aurelia. Now remember you have one two way radio in your ear and that's it. None of that early 2000s wire crap up your entire torso." He adds while eyeing my dress.

"Aren't you going to be cold?" He asks while looking away from me and clearing his throat.

"No I'm bringing a coat, I just hope it isn't freezing inside the restaurant."

He nods as I bump into Callan when I walk into the garage.

"Geez lurk much?" I ask him.

Then I remember who I'm talking to.

"I mean..I'm ready for tonight." His eyes hold nothing as he nods and hands me a set of keys.

"What?" I ask as I look down.

"NO." I gasp as I see the faded and scratched Blink 182 sticker on my car keys.

I stare up at him in amazement.

"I couldn't have you whining about taking one of my cars right before an important meeting, could I?"

Way to make me feel like a child.

I roll my eyes and go to my car which fits in perfectly amongst the half a dozen luxury cars in his garage.

Steven walks up to my drivers side window and taps on it. "Don't forget that there isn't a button to turn off your com. Try not to pee once you get there." He winks at me and the garage door opens.

I roll my window up and put the directions of the restaurant into my phone as I start the engine.

The last thing I see as I drive away is Steven walking back into the house and Callan, who's expression mirrors that of a man who just got run over by my car.

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