~Part Thirteen~

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*mature themes*

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*mature themes*

The restaurant is casual but classy and thank god it's actually warm in here. The 10 minute drive felt like an hour since my dumbass decided to take my coat off before I got in the car and it wasn't heating up fast enough.

I don't spot Donald anywhere but my search ends quickly as I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn around and see a very attractive man in front of me. "Aurelia Beck?" He asks while he holds his hand out.

I take it and nod. "Now correct me if I'm wrong but you don't seem like a 56 year old Senator?"

"It's not him?" I hear Steven chirp into my ear.

He chuckles as he leads me to our table. "No unfortunately that would be my father. When he told me that you were interested in going into politics, he figured it would make more sense if I came since I'm also freshly going into the field as well. I'm David by the way." He adds while I sit on the booth side of the table.

"Leave Aurelia, we needed Donald." Callan says into my literal eardrum.

"Well nice to meet you David. Please, call me Eli."

If Steven were the one to suggest I go back to the estate, I would've agreed. Since Callan suggested it, well let's just say I don't agree with a lot of his choices lately.

We chat over drinks while Steven adds the occasional fact about David that he's found on his end.

"So you want to pursue politics like your father?" He asks and I groan out loud.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you the last way to get in a girl's pants is to bring up her dad?" I ask while topping off my bourbon.

He smiles cheekily and leans towards me across the table. "I didn't realize that's what I was trying to do."

I know three things with absolute certainty.

1) I'm horny
2) David is a nice guy
3) Steven and most likely Callan are listening to everything I'm saying

The decision is made for me as David quietly asks "There's a draft on this side of the table, mind if I move to your side of the booth?"

He doesn't wait for my answer as he slides around the table.

"Aurelia what's happening? We don't have eyes." Steven asks.

I run my hands through my hair and debate whether or not I should rip this fucking radio out of my ear or not.

For safety reasons I leave it in. Not my safety of course but I can't have them swarming the restaurant because they can't hear me.

I've had too much ice water because I'm actually shaking.

"Here, let me." David says as he wraps his jacket around me and I immediately feel warmth and comfort.

Damn body heat made me that happy? The bar is way lower than I thought.

After an hour more of small talk, zero politics, and Steven whining I decide to call it a night.

"Thank you for walking me out to my car. Even though we didn't get any work done I had a nice time." I say while unlocking my car.

"No problem, Eli. I had a nice time too." He smiles down at me.

"Oh here's your jacket-" I go to take off his jacket but he bends down and kisses me.

I'm surprised at first but I melt into his touch as his arms wrap around my waist.

I open my mouth to take a breath and his tongue takes that as an invitation.

I'm not kicking him out.

I moan his name in between our tongues moving with each other and his hands run through my hair, indirectly knocking the radio out of my ear.

I feel around with my foot until I step on it.

Screw you Callan.

Callan?! Why am I thinking about him right now?? Fucking creepy as kidnapping-

I grab David's jacket and press his body closer to mine as I pull us both onto the hood of my car.

That's better.

His hand travels the very short length of my sundress until he reaches the end and begins bringing the dress up.

Chills go down my body and I can't tell if it's because my back is pressed up against the hood of my car, or if it's because his fingers are playing with the top of my underwear.

He kisses down my neck and torso until he reaches my legs.

Best nightcap ever.

We were just about to get to the interesting part until mother fucking fuckface fucktard Callan Kingsman grabs his shirt and pulls him off of me.

"Glad to see your meeting went well, Aurelia." He diminishes me while turning to David.

Jesus that was fast. how long have we been out here?

"Go find another teenager to accost in a parking lot please." Callan commands David.

He doesn't move for a moment until he realizes Callan is one second away from ripping his dick off so he waves at me and dashes away to his car.

"REALLY?" Callan yells at me.

I go to cower away from him until I realize I'm still hot and bothered.

"Yes really you mother fucking fuckface. I'm not your property. Donald wasn't there so I decided to take the night off. You can't call me by my first name when you want something from me. You can't hold my head in your hands and then ignore me for 24 hours. Most of all you can't FUCKING blackmail me into moving ACROSS THE COUNTRY and then not make up your mind on what my purpose here is. No more googly eyes. No more stolen glances. Either man up and talk to me like a human being or leave me THE FUCK ALONE." I scream at him in the middle of the parking lot.

"When your com line ended I assumed it was intentionally destroyed so Steven tapped your phone to make sure you weren't in danger. What I heard was less than flattering so trust me, you don't have to worry about my affections for you."

Is he for real? Did he really just go there?

"Oh sorry was my moaning not good enough for you Mr. Kingsman? It probably made you uncomfortable since you've never made a woman happy before."

I say as I whip open my car door and start my car.

He doesn't move out of the way. A challenge.

Neither of us break eye contact until I realize I'm still wearing David's jacket and I go to take my phone out of the pocket when I feel a piece of paper.

Call me sometime so we can be political ;)

I smile to myself.

When I look up Callan is gone and once again I am left horny and annoyed.

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