~Part Six~

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The most ridiculous thing I've ever heard was just proposed to me as if he asked me to pop in the grocery store for a quick snack

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The most ridiculous thing I've ever heard was just proposed to me as if he asked me to pop in the grocery store for a quick snack.

"She won't do it." Raphael growls at the man who's name turns out to be Callan Kingsman. What a name too. I won't tell him that of course.

"Yeah I won't do it. I mean live with you guys? I barely know you, I'm tied to a chair, you killed a tweaker and made it look like an overdose. He did try to assault me so that was nice but STILL." I huff in annoyance at his ridiculous suggestion.

He puts his cigar down and stares at me. "Listen because I'm only going to say this once."

He waits.

I nod.

"Your dad is disappointed you don't want to be a politician? Here's your chance to win his favor. You take us to all of the social political events under the cover that you want to be more involved in his line of work. We'll be your sponsors who believe you could one day be in the same position your dad is. I'll be the main investor. Archer will be another investor. Steve will be "covering" the story, and my younger brother, Baron, will be Steven's intern. You'll still have Mr. Russo as your bodyguard to keep your father in good spirits and your excuse for moving out will be that you want to be closer to the action. Politically speaking." He takes a long overdue drag from his cigar and puts it out.

"But New York?!" I exclaim.

"Well seeing as this club is only one of my many properties around the globe, I'll want to keep you at my estate in New York. More events are held there than LA and it's closer to the annual D.C. 50 Dates in 50 States Ball. Geographically it just makes more sense." He states.

I forgot how much I hate that stupid ball. Just like the olden days, girls dress in corsets and ballgowns and gallivant around a bunch of rich men in politics from all over the country hoping they'll be picked for the last dance at the end of the night. Sure it raises millions for the coming spring campaigns but it's always cold as shit since it's in February.

"Raphael will never agree to come with me." I say simply.

"I will kill him if you don't come. He won't leave you by yourself in my custody. You cannot get out of this Miss.Beck. Archer if you will." He motions towards Raphael.

I turn to my left and see Archer/Mr.Fake Bartender freeze. Freeze? That can't be right.

Callan stands up and points a gun directly at Archer.

No he definitely froze.

"DO YOU THINK I WAS ASKING?" Callan booms at Archer.

Archer grabs his gun from behind his pants and points it at Raphael. "No, sir. Sorry."

Raphael speaks. "Well since you lovely piccolo merdas asked me then yes, I will happily follow my cousin across America to spare my life." (little shits)

Good thing they don't know Italian.

I see Archer's shoulders soften as he barely glances over Raph as if checking for wounds on a baby bird.

"Boss I think Arch got the message." Steven sputters out from the corner.

Callan lowers his gun, as does Archer. "Both of you out. Steven will send you the address and time of our flights. We leave Monday morning. Tell Steven if you need me to send anything to your father." His eyes never leave Archer.

I grab Raphael and we begin to walk out but I stop myself.

"What about my car?" I ask Callan directly since he looks like he's about to explode anyway. Why not fuck with him?

He glances at me. "What?"

"My car. My black Fiat Abarth 124 Spider. I'm not leaving it." He quirks his head at me.

"I you want Raphael to live you will. You may drive it to the airport and no further."

I slump but continue to walk out of Callan's office with Raphael.

"So maybe we shouldn't have come back." I say sheepishly once we get back out into the night air.

"No merda idiota." (no shit idiot)


I knock twice on the wooden door and wait to be given entry. I'm in my own fucking house. Well I guess I'm not staying here much longer, anyway.

"Come in!" He sounds like a broken flute.

I push open both doors with force hoping they break off the hinges. Wow the mafia has put me in a mood.

His cheery disposition disintegrates as soon as he notices it's me. His only offspring.

"I've taken an interest in politics. I'm taking Raph to New York where I've already contacted some investors and a website that's interested in covering my transition into being a young female politician. I've cancelled my membership card at Iniquity and I'll be using that money for a place to stay, food, and other general expenses. I don't imagine needing more so you can cancel all of my other LA expenses as well. I leave Monday."

I give it to him straight up because I don't feel like kissing his bleached asshole.

He seems pleasantly surprised at my complete career 180° turn but in his eyes I was always "destined to follow in his footsteps".

"Will one bodyguard be enough now that you're not staying here?"


"I still expect you to attend 50 Dates in 50 States ball in February."

"I figured as much, puttana" (bitch)

He never bothered to learn Italian but I'm sure he knows it doesn't mean Daddy Dearest.

"Alright, well good choice. Are you cutting out that 'Beck Russo' hobby of yours?" He asks without looking at me. He knows what he's doing.

"No. I have a deadline so I'll multitask."

"Hmph. Well see you in February. Try not to end up on the cover of People again please, Lia."

He always finds something to be disappointed in. He still refuses to call me, Eli too. He told me it wasn't professional enough. I was 5.

"Got it. No public orgys." I say crudely.

"Watch your tongue!" He demands and stands up abruptly.

I stick my tongue out and look down. "Hmm that's weird I can't watch it very well since my head has been pretty far up my ass lately, Senator." I look up mischievously with an arch in my brow.

"Out. Now."


I go to pack my bags in my room and find Raph in my room sitting on my bed, sweating and tapping his foot frantically. I hear someone yelling in Italian somewhere but I don't know who it is.

He sees me walk in and we lock eyes. I see the fear. I see the phone.

Cazzo. (fuck)

We didn't tell Nonna.

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