Chapter 36: " The End"

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"Well Abirami, looks like it just you and me like you wanted. But you no longer have any power to keep me inside this house. I could just walk away but the one thing I realized from all my experience with you is that you will never stop threatening those I love even if you were in jail. And the only way to make you stop is to become a murderer like you. Remember you just said that you killed for a reason and that I should see it from your point of view and guess what, I do see how killing you would be the right thing for everyone concerned " Sanskar spoke up and she refused to believe his words but a part of her wondered if she pushed him to the brink that he was willing to kill her now.

"You are not a murderer " Abirami answered back as she moved away from him in fear for the first time. 

"When you push someone to the brink of insanity what do you expect ?" he answered back as he approached as if he intends to really kill her.

Abirami realized she felt overconfident with her hostages that she didn't have anything to defend herself. Her computer hacking skills are not going to help her overpower Sanskar, and there was no weapon in hand that she looked around until her eyes found one of the vases and she picked it up as if intending to throw it at him.

"Stop right there, don't come any closer " she shouted at him. Abirami may have killed several people but when death was staring back at her, she realized that she didn't want to die this soon.

But he still walked towards her and she slowly backed away until she hit the wall and there was nowhere to run. And he stopped as well, instead of moving towards her as he originally did, he bent to pick up something and she realized in her haste to get the vase which weighed a ton, she dropped her phone. 

Before she could ask what he was doing, he spoke up making her realize that he never intended to kill her after all.

"I am not going to kill you, because I am not a murderer like you. But I will not let you escape and continue to threaten our lives anymore. Stay in the hell of your own making Abirami. " Sanskar answered back as he walked away from her

It was only when he was near the door she realized the truth of his words, without her phone. She cant walk away from the locked room. She tried to run towards the door before she got locked inside but the door was far away than intended.

"The room will blow up if I didn't check on it soon, you can't do this Sanskar " Abirami shouted at him because it was the truth. In her happiness to find some alone time with Sanskar, she didn't reset the times and the 30 minutes must be approaching soon.

Sanskar stopped as if sensing the truth. She knew he won't let her die and so she was about to walk towards the door intending to use any words to ensure Sanskar forgives her. But was shocked when she heard the door click shut leaving her alone in the room.

Abirami stood still in shock that Sanskar really intended to kill her, even when he knew she may die, he left her locked in the room. She didn't know how many minutes were left in the timer before the room blows up but she stood still for a moment as the betrayal from yet another person she loved consumed her. 

Sanskar Maheshwari was a man of principles, someone who would never harm anyone. He was gentle and kind, a wonderful father and great husband. All the reason she fell in love with him flashed before her mind but then the anger took root as she realized even he betrayed her. 

Abirami's obsession with Sanskar was based on her trust in him to be a good person, and he left her to die. As the knowledge of his betrayal filled her with anger, she realized that she will not die alone and let Sanskar live happily ever after with his family. With her mind made up, she walked towards the door.

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