Chapter 14: An unsettling guest

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We see Landon and Simmons walking up to red base so Simmons can rejoin after they think he was crazy of an imagination tank and put him far away from them so they think Simmons won't act more crazy.

They walk up the ramp to the roof of the base when Donut who was standing above the walking ram says.

Donut: Stop right there, who gose there?

Simmon: Donut it's me Simmons, can you let us in?

Donut: Sorry but Sarge can't let you in until your out of your imagination tank thing.

Landon: Donut that was a real tank which was Sheila. Look where's your Sargent and let me talk to him?

Donut: Sorry but we don't let strangers into the base.

Landon: Strangers?

Then Landon realise he was talking to him which Landon sighs and said.

Landon: Donut I'm no stranger. I'm a ODST Sargent and besides, I'm red so I'm technically not a stranger if I'm red right?

Donut: Well guess that's true but what if your a blue disgusting as a red?

Landon: Why would I want to disgusts myself as your guys? And beside we don't have blue paint here so how could I?

Then Sarge walks over to Donut and asked.

Sarge: What is this about blue disgusting as red?

Donut: We have visitors that wants in.

Sarge turnns to see Simmons and Landon and then asked.

Sarge: Aren't you the soldier from the blue base?

Landon: For a while yes but look, just let us in and we can talk.

Sarge: I don't know. I can't let Simmons in because of his imagination tank he talks about.

Landon: (sigh) Sheila!

Then Sheila rolled up behind Simmons and Landon which Sargeband Donut sees as Sheila turns to them and says.

Sheila: Hi.

Landon: Now will you let us in?

Sarge:.........Umm yeah sure come on in, we are glad to see you back in action Simmons.

Donut: Yeah nice to see you back and you were right about the tanks, guess you proof me wrong.

After Sarge left Donut also left as Sheila rolled back to Blue base while Landon sighs and asked Simmons.

Landon: I felt bad for you. How do you deal with them?

Simmons: (sigh) You don't wanna know.


At Blue base we see Church open the doors and stumbled upon a high tech leb with high tech equipment and many others that amazed him and wants something like that.....if he knows science.

He walks over to Y/n and with him was Watcher on a holopad beside him, Ashley, Sophie and Ave as they were looking at the Index key that is sat on a table as they look at it. Church sees it and asked.

Church: So that's the key that will wipe out all life in the universe?

Watcher: Yep, plug that into the ring and "boom" goodbye life itself.

Church: Whoa, that's dangerous.

Y/n: Yeah but luckily we got it before the Covenant would get it first.

Ashley: Still what should we do with it?

Church: Why not destroy it?

Watcher: Yeah I may hate being in this ring, this index key is more important then everything else.

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