Chapter 75: Secret to uncover beneath the city

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A Covenant Phantom is seen flying over Mombasa and activating it's lights and being to search for something. Down blow we see Y/n, Rookie, Simmons and Donut sneaking through the city and avoiding the Covenant forces as best they can.

They hide within the darkness as they avoid Covenant patrols or Phantoms flying around. They keep sneaking through the city and after for some while they arrived at the location which was Mombasa's train station as they look around only to find a tub that is use to fill up the wounds of soldiers.

Rookie picks it up and shake on it only to see that it is empty so he drops it. While Y/n looks at the close gate to the trains while he turn to see Simmons working on Lopez head.

Y/n: How is he doing?

Simmons: Kinda hard. It seems he was blown up and his head landed at the other side.

Donut: So Sarge and the others were there and now they ended up here?

Y/n: Maybe and the train station is the only way out of the city.

Donut: So they escaped?

Watcher: I don't think so. The trains inside we bursted meaning there is no way they could have gotten out unless they found one that is working. Even if they do the tracks are destroyed.

Simmons: So they might be dead?

Y/n: I don't believe that for a second. We'll find them when we will not gi-

???: (radio) Can anyone hear me? Does anyone copy this is Dare is anyone out there?

Y/n: Dare?!

Simmons: Wait I thought Dare was dead?

Donut: Whose Dare?

Y/n: Dare this is Spartan-453 we hear you loud and clear. What is your location over?

The radio goes to static which Y/n ask Watcher.

Y/n: Can you pin point her location?

Watcher: Let me see. Oh.....Well you may not believe this but she is below the city.

Donut: Like underneath us? Why should she be underneath us?

Y/n: One way to find out. Rookie let's go.

Rookie nodes and the four move on and soon arrives at a elevator that takes them underneath the city. There was no elevator so one by one they leap across and grab the elevator cable and slide down.

Y/n was last as he turn back and after seeing the ghost is clear he too leap over ans slide begin his decent.

(Short while later)

Donut and Simmons crash on top of each other while Rookie and Y/n safely land on their feet and aim their weapons only to see nothing.

Y/n: Where to now Watcher?

Watcher: According to her singal she is at sub-level 9.

Simmons: What level are we in?

They turn to the wall and sees they are in sub-level 7.

Y/n: Come on let's make it there.

Simmons: (sigh) I can't believe I have to say this but I just want to take a break.

Donut: Come on Simmons we need to be together in hopes to survive so let's get up and let's go.

Simmons sighs and they begin their journey. They walk through a door that takes them to a long tunnel which they begin to walk down. When they turn a corner they quickly hide when they see Covenant forces blocking their way.

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