Chapter 34: Spartans will never die out

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Ashia: Hello! Is anyone here?! Hello?!

We see Rowen, Mike, Jin and Ashia make their way down the steps of the Freelancer bunker and once Jin and Mike at the final step Jin turns to Ashia and tells her.

Jin: Whoa Ashia can you be a little bit louder so our enemies might hear you.

Ashia: Ha Ha very funny Jin. Besides, there is no one in here.

Rowen: Except the Reds and blues who might be here.

Mike: How can they even get into one of the Pelicans and left without anyone knowing?

Jin: Well at least now we know where they went thanks to Maine telling us where they are.

Ashia: But are they really here?

Then they heard a noise in the distance which signal them that someone is here.

Mike: Sounds like it.

They continue on moving snd soon they arrive at the storage area and they were a bit stunned to see two small base being made that is made out of boxes and other junk. They make their way to Tucker, Grif, Simmons and Caboose who are at the other base where Sarge is seen making the base and once over Mike asked.

Mike: What is all of this?

Tucker: Let's just say Sarge is a bit upset when he found out Project Freelancer was using us a testing dummies.

Jin: Ouch, that must have hurt.

Ashia: Really Jin?

Jin: Yes I am.

Rowen: This is stupid. Sarge get down here and talk to us.

Sarge: No way! Go away.

Grif: Hey why you calling him down here? At least we don't have to do anything.

Rowen: What are you talking about?

Grif: Well think about it. The reason why you guys were at our base is so you guys can keep an eye on us so we won't screw up.

Simmons: Grif may have a point there. We're not actually solders in your eyes just.....nothing besides solders.

Rowen: Your all being ridiculous.

Ashia: We would never think about that.

Sarge: You lie!

Then Sarge appear on top of the base and tells them.

Sarge: I think the reason why we weren't on special missions or any special training. You think we make mistakes, doom humanity and most importantly....useless. And you know what, your right. We are useless, we're not solders we're......a mistake.

Tucker, Grif, Simmons and Caboose looks down also feel the same as well while everyone was silent until Rowen tells Sarge.

Rowen: You really don't get it do you?

They turn to Rowen as he looks at Sarge and tells him and the rest.

Rowen: You may not be solders to Project Freelancer but here with us, you are. What about the time you first face the Covenant or faced Project Freelancer or Tracker ans his team and army!?

Simmons: But that was all you and Y/n?

Rowen: That maybe so but don't forget you help them as well. You shown to be solders that may make mistakes but you are one thing that some Spartan like us never were. Humans. I was trained to be like a machine and so dose Mike, Jin and Ashia. We weren't like many solders within the UNSC but being with you show that we can have emotions, we can make our own decisions and more importantly be butter as Spartans. True the UNSC were afraid to sent you out there but that's because they don't know fully of you guys. They don't know what you all have been through. But now I think it's your time to shine.

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