Chapter 36: The odd one out returns

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Within a small house on top of a hill we see two kids, one a boy named Pom while a little girl named Loo who were peaking around the corner as we see South, Washington and Maine with South sitting on a chair facing with two older teenagers as she start to ask them questions about a Spartan.

South: Do you two know what happened to Spartan-1337 after you two gone their separate ways with him?

Teenage boy: Hmm not too sure actually. Last time we saw him he was heading south.

Teenage girl: After that we head home and that was it. Why didn't he return back to your base or something?

South: He was supposed to be at the pick up point but he hasn't shown up. We believe he might be captured by the Covenant and we wonder if any of you two seen the Covenant near here?

Teenage boy: Nope. We've been living here for years and the only time we saw one was that massive beast. But you have no worry about that beast ever gonna bother us.

Washington: Still this is weird. Would 1337 Would have contacted the UNSC for back up or something?

Maine: Either his coms must be busted or something must have happen.

South thinks about this and stands up and tells them both.

South: Thank you for answering some questions. We be leaving now.

They nod with the trio leaving but Maine turns to see the two little kids wave him goodbye and wave goodbye back to them and left.

We see them outside of the house as Washington pulls out a datapad and type something into it.

South: Anything on that?

Washington: Nope. His tracker hasn't shown up. So why is he called by his call sign?

Maine: He believes it makes him more badass and to hide his real name.

Washington: Really? What is he, a superhero?

South: That's what the files said.

Washington: Wish we have Y/n and his team here to help us.

South: They have their own mission while we have ours.

Washington: True. Hey thanks for given me a second chance you guys. It means a lot.

Maine: No problem. We learn our mistakes and now we are better.

Washington: Yeah that's true.

Suddenly Washington datapad beeps and he checks it.

Washington: Found him!

South: Where?

Washington: He is far off where the pick up point is. So where south from here.

Maine: Why did he travel the opposite way?

South: Only one way to find out.

She then get into coms and calls out to command.

South: Command, request a Warthog in our position over.

Command: (radio) Copy that South. Stand by.

Once a Pelican arrive and drop down a Warthog, they drive off to where 1337 is at. They drive through the dirt road where trees are everywhere on each side as they drive through the dirt road.

Washington: How come the Covenant haven't glass this planet?

South: No one knows. Maybe this planet has less humans here and it be no point of glassing a planet that shows a threat to them.

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