Chapter 66: Returning to Earth

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It has been a month since they arrived on Sanhelios and after the battle against the Covenant, the home planet of the elites now be under UNSC control. Elite citizens seeing the Prophets lies accepted humanity and the UNSC helps them to rebuild their capacity. They work together to help the elites to rebuild their destroyed buildings and streets.

Marines share some jokes with the elites and bound as their hatred towards the elites is no gone ad they understood they are victims of the Prophets lies. At the control room we find Simmons working on the coms to any UNSC with Y/n and Watcher in the room with him.

Y/n: Anything?

Simmon: Trying but no such luck. It's really hate.

Then their engineer enter the room and sees what Simmons is doing. The Engineer approaches the control console and place it tentacle onto the controls and seconds later they got something which Simmons came out and sees it working.

Simmons: Wow! Thanks.

The Engineer let's out a happy noise while Y/n nodes back and calls out through the coms.

Y/n: This is Spartan Y/n-453 to all UNSC channels. Operation: Planet riot is a success. The Elites of Sanhelios are our allies. Does anyone copy over?

After a while they got someone and it sounded like Lord Hood.

Lord Hood: (radio) This is Fleet Admiral Lord Hood here. Good to hear your voice Spartan.

Y/n: Same to you sir. Sanhelios is now in UNSC control.

Lord Hood: (radio) Is that so?! I never thought the day. You did a impossible job here Spartan, well done.

Y/n: We did it together Admiral sir.

Lord Hood: (radio) Glad to hear that. But its a good thing you called because we have a situation.

Y/n: That being?

Lord Hood: (radio) We have gotten word that the Covenant has located Earth and sent in their fleet to invade Earth.

Y/n, watcher and Simmons are stunned by this as Lord Hood also continued.

Lord Hood: (radio) I need all UNSC forces to come to Earth and help us defend. This maybe our last stand.

Y/n: Will do sir. Spartan out.

The foms end and they stood there in silence for a moment.

Simmons: What should we do now?

Y/n looks down at the control console and with a series expression he tells Simmons.

Y/n: Radio everyone to me us at the middle of the capital. We'll tell them all.

(Moments later)

We see everyone gathered in the middle of the capital as Y/n ans his team where in front of everyone as Y/n step foward and informs everyone the situation. Everyone is shocked and whisper among each other as they couldn't believe it that it is happening.

Grif: Well goodbye humanity.

Donut: Oh no not Earth! It like our birth place.

Lopez: (Spanish) I was betting that the Covenant will find it sooner or later.

Y/n: Everyone calm down. I know it is worse but we will not allow the Covenant to destroy Earth. If the Covenant wants a fight.....they will get one.

Junior: My forces will join you.

They turn to see Junior, Rila, Coya and his troops came as Y/n ask Junior.

Y/n: You sure you wanna come?

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