Chapter 12: An Elite in our base

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Cali pulled over the mongoose when they see a Ghost Donut was driving after he stole it from O'Malley/Doc. They were at a cave as they hop off of the bike and walks over to the ghost with weapons in hand and looks at the Ghost.

Cali: Looks like they stop here.

Remington: Any ideas why they left us behind like that?

Cali: No clue but if it is for a stupid reason, I'm gonna kill them.

Remington: Isn't that what they are?

Cali:.....Good point.


Cali and Remington pulled out their weapons when they hear Grif screaming no. They rush out of the cave just to see Grif before they duck down when a sniper fire his heard as they duck down. Down below was Sarge, Donut and Simmons with sniper rifles as they were trying to see who can shoot Grif but nearly shot Cali and Remington.

Simmon: Um Sarge I think we nearly shot Cali and Remington?

Sarge: Don't be nonsense Simmons, there is no way they have followed us after we made our silent escape.

Cali and Remington stands up and looks down at them as Cali looks at them in a angry face which Sarge and the rest were scared.

Cali: (anger) You have five seconds to tell me yous left us and why you try to shoot me and Remington.

Simmon: (scared) W-Wait! We can explain! We discovered a distressed single and we followed it to here. Grif keeps yelling no so we figured we shoot him to get him down.

Cali: Now why would in the world would he scream no for?

Remington: Cali look!

Cali looks around them and they see they are back at Blood Gulch but there was no soldiers around. There was some UNSC equipment and vehicles but no soldiers. Cali and Remington clam down the hill and look around.

Cali: Hello! Hello! Is anyone here! Hello!

Remington: I thought the Sargent told us there will be soldiers here?

Cali: Seem, something doesn't feel right.


Cali: Sarge tell Grif to shut up and get down here.

Sarge: What do you think we're trying to do, but he's not listening.

Cali sighs to herself as she claim up the hill and walks over to Grif.

Grif: Hey what are you doing?! Wow! Son of a bitch!

Then Cali throws Grif off the hill as Grif hit face first onto the ground as Cali dust off her hands before she clam down.

Sarge: Wow, now that's one way to get a soldier to shut up boys.

Cali: Now let's go, there's gonna be someone here that can tell us what's going on.

Sarge: Now hold on. You maybe a badass Sargent within the UNSC but you do not tell me or any of us what to d-

Cali shots Sarge a glare which Sarge stare at her for a bit before he turn to his men.

Sarge: You heard the lady, let's get a move on!

Simmon: Wow, Remind me to never piss her off.

Donut: Your Sargent dose know how to scare people.

Remington: It's kinda what she is. (Nervous chuckle)


We see Y/n, Ave, Ashley, Sophie, Tex and the blues at their second base as we see Y/n and Tucker walks over to the group while Tucker tells Y/n something which he says.

Halo Male Spartan reader X Red Vs Blue: The ultimate Spartan within Blood GulchOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant