Chapter 23: The fall of Project Freelancer

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Director: Dear Chairman: I do not care if we are the break of the extinction by a alien culture who warships these High Tech gods! I do not agree of using children as super soldiers and sent them into battle! Project Freelancer will proof to ONI that we are suitable for the task in hand while Doctor Halsey will deserve a life sentence in jail for her crazy and insane experiments of children we know they are unfit to do in a war like this one!


We see the reds, Blues Ave and Ashley within Sheila and Ave was checking up on the still unconscious Caboose while Y/n and Sophie walks over to them and took off their helmet and Y/n asked.

Y/n: How is he?

Ave: Still out cold. We tried everything but he's not waking up.

Grif: So he's dead?

Ave: Not dead, unconscious but it seems that he's not waking up.

Ashley: Where's South and Washington?

Y/n: Checking what the Meta left behind in the base. Was didn't like South with him but she argued back and now their inside the base right now.

Ave: Man fuck Wash, why dose he always have to treat us like that?

Ashley: I could get along with South but Wash, he hates us.

Grif: Welcome to our world.

Church: You know if it wasn't for you three, we would have capture the Meta.

Sarge: Well excuse me for mistaken yous as traitors. Besides, I think that entrance was pretty well if Grif hadn't crash the Warthog into one or the wings of the windmill.

Grif: Don't blame me! That thing came out ir nowhere!

Simmon: Right just like you said about an Ice cream truck that we somehow crashed and you said "breaks where broken."

Grif: But it was! By away, any left over Ice Cream around here?

Ave: Still there has to be a way to wake up Caboose?

Watcher: Why not church go in there and wake him up.

Church: What?

Watcher: You can take over people's bodies right? Of course you can simply wake someone up if you posses Caboose's body.

Church: (sigh) Fine but the next person who gives unconscious, your going in there.

Watcher: Bad news man, I'm a A.I and not a ghost like you.

Church: I funking hate you.

Watcher: Yep, I hate you too.

Church exit out of his robot body and enter Caboose's body. While they waited Grif looks at Sheila and then said.

Grif: Huh, so I guess Sheila is your ship now?

Y/n: Yep. She been a great help during many battles against the Covenant in different colonies across the galaxy.

Sheila: It was an honour working along side you and your team Y/n.

Ave: So what have yous been after we left Blood Gulch?

Grif: A lot of shit.

Simmon: We may wanna tell you some day but let's just say, Blood Gulch may not still be there.

Ashley: I'm sorry for that.

Sarge: Yeah but we got us some new bases.

Simmon: Yeah and Grif was promoted to be Sargent.

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