Chapter 21: Meeting old friends

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Director: Dear Chairman: I have understood about these rogue of soldiers going around and killing Spartans in order for them to take their revenge upon and UNSC. But Project Freelancer have nothing to do with these group of soldiers or their killings. Besides, I only listed grown soldiers who have highly skills and not simply....children that were either taking by their parents or adopted by the UNSC.


Sophie and Ave were at Sheila and Sophie was outside of the snow battle rifle in hand and keeping watch. While Ave was working on Sheila inside and a black smoke blow up on her helmet that cost her to cough and step outside and took off her helmet and said.

Ave: Jesus Sheila you've gotten more damage then any other Pelican.

Sheila: Agree. It would be nice for once that no Covenant won't target me for once.

Ave: (chuckle) I know that feeling girl.

Sophie: They should be back? Wonder whats taking them so long?

Ave: Who knows. Hey Sheila, do we have a signal?

Sheila: Unfortunately no. It seems that something his jamming our communication.

Ave: Really who?

Sophie: I think I know who.

Ave turn to Sophie and see in the distance something is coming towards them. Ave zoom in through her visor and see what Sophie ment by it.

Ave: Oh crap.


Y/n, Ashley and South were introduced to the triplets which were Agent Ophio, Agent Iowa and Agent Idaho. The other team they were with were Sherry, Derryl and Terrill.

Y/n: So yous have been here for so long?

South: But the Director told us yous three were discharge from Project Freelancer?

Ophio: Yeah that's what you and eveyine else thought.

South: What are you talking about?

Ophio: (anger) Oh don't give us that crap bitch! You and all other agents look down at us from the start and they abandoned us in this snow in the middle of nowhere!

Iowa: Ophio is mad now.

Idaho: Hasn't she always been mad?

South: (anger) Us? We didn't vote on your getting fucking drop off in thsi snowy planet so don't blame us you fucking idiot!

Y/n gets in between them before they start a fight while he said.

Y/n: Enough! Let's hear them out and then we can discuss on what really happen.

South wants to argue but Delta appears in front of her and said.

Delta: I agree with Spartan 453. It is logical to here Agent Ophio out and tell us her side of the story.

South sighs and steps back. Then Ophio start to explain.

Ophio: Well we were asign on a special mission to this planet and at first they didn't give us what our mission was but soon we realised they-

Idaho: Totally abandoned us. It took Ophio a while to accept it and soon she did including all of us.

Iowa: Yeah they didn't like us from the start. They think we were weird, stupid, annoying, pain in the butt, annoying, stupid-

Idaho: Ok I think they get it.

Y/n: Right and you South?

South:.....Well the Director just told us they were discharged from Project Freelancer and that's it.

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