Chapter 48: The greatest hunt begins (Lemon)

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We see what's left the Covenant data control base in flames with rubble and fire everything while a large Covenant ship flies over head as we see a few burned bodies of both human and Covenant forces being cooked by the flames as we slowly move along the rubble until we come across a hand sticking out underneath of some rubble as the hand is just laying there but then the fingers move a bit and then the hand slowly forms a fist ad the rubble start to move and soon it was tossed away.

Then Y/n slowly gets up while he breaths in a sigh as we can see his Spartan armor nearly damaged along with his visor on his helmet cracked a bit as he slowly get up and grab his injured arm and look around to see no one but himself.

Y/n: W-Watcher? You alright buddy?

Watcher: Yep. Safely inside your helmet man. Jesus that was soke blast, I can't believe we survived.

Y/n: Guess we should thanks Carolina and Church for that shield drop.

Watcher: Still I think that blast must have knocked us away from everyone.

Y/n agrees as he slowly moves through the rubble while he looked around for anyone but there was no one. He lost his weapon from the blast apart from his sword and knife, so when he come across a Covenant Carbine on the ground, he picked it up and use it as his weapon for now.

Y/n: Watcher sent out a beacon so they can find us.

Watcher: If they can. That Covenant ship up above us ain't going no where for a hour.

Y/n: Still we should keep moving.

He make his move as he walk through the rubble and only see more dead bodies of both Covenant and UNSC marines laying on the ground being burned as Y/n move by them looking for anyone who is alive.

Everything was silent apart of the flames cracking near him as he continue on walking when he heard something so he find cover and peaked over to see a few elites looking around for any survivors.

Y/n: (whisper) Watcher my shields are still down. What's the problem?

Watcher: The blast must have knock out your shields pretty hard. Hold on until I get them online.

Y/n hide there for a bit as the elites talked to each other and then they move out. Once they left Y/n exit out of cover and walk over to where they were standing and watch them leave in another direction. Soon his shields come online and it recharged until it was complete.

Watcher: Done! Your welcome.

Y/n: Nice. So where to?

Watcher: Well I've detected a distress beacon nearby. Looks like a marine is there. Guess we go there and find the others.

Y/n: Right let's move.

He move on not before he picked up a plasma pistol off of a ground and continue on moving while we see a invisible figure behind him and then disappeared from site.

Y/n keeps on walking while trying to avoid too much attention from Covenant forces due to his monitor on his helmet not working due to his cracked helmet so now he must use his ears in order to not be detected. He stop only to take cover when a few elites or grunts were nearby so he either move by them sneakly or tossed something that make a sound so they will go and check it out while he quickly go pass them.

After what seems like a while he arrive to the distress beacon and see a marine at the other side of some rubble but there is a hole that he can see through and call out to the marine.

Y/n: Marine! You okay?

The marine quickly turn in a panic but breath a sigh when he see it was a Spartan so he nodes to him.

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