Chapter 7-Opening My Eyes

Start from the beginning

Never mind what was on the trey I tried my best not to look out of this world.

"You look out of this world..."he stared into my eyes.

Oh fuck!Is he reading my mind?

I tried my best not to panic and keep myself together.

"I'm fine...what you got there?"I tried to stare the attention from me.

"Just some food and the one and only wine...."he smirked.

I sent a fake smirk his way.

"Let's eat..."I tried to act normal.

I didn't even want to eat from this man after what I saw to be honest but I  didn't want him to be onto me.

We ate and now we were supposed to get straight down to business. I was terrified after my new fond knowledge but I still had to play along which meant I had to have sex with him.

His cold hand held one of my shoulders as the other undressed me. I played along undressing him like I'd usually do.

Once we were fully naked he began touching me. He played with my nipples for a few seconds then he held his hard cock in his hand.

He used his hand to guide the head to rub against me. I forced a moan as I was more worried than turned on.

He fisted my hair still using one hand to rub himself against me. We did this for a while until I was wet.

He turned me over entering from behind. He always does it the way he likes it. As he pushed and pulled inside me I tried not to think about what I saw and how dangerous this man could be.

I then felt something hard resting against my head back then one hand held my throat from behind.

Oh my god!This felt like a gun in the back of my head. It was confirmed when I heard the clicking sound of someone getting ready to shoot.

"Oh my god!Is that a fucking gun in the back of my head!"I panicked as he continued to fuck me.

"Fuck yes it is!"he moaned thrusting into me hard.

"Who's the fucking boss!"he moaned poking me in the back of my head aggressivly with the gun.

"You!"I yelled out with no hesitation fearing for my life that was literally infront of a loaded gun.

"Who fucks you good!"he yelled this moment apparently erotic for him.

"You!"I answered immediately.

"I'm gonna come...."he told me and I felt him jerk inside me.

I felt his load being emptied and he removed the gun from my head. He slid out of me.

I stayed there on my hands and knees shaking not because of a orgasm but because of fear. I stayed like that for about two minutes then looked behind me.

He was in a deep sleep the gun in his hand. I took my time and got off the bed grabbing my clothes as I went to another room to get dressed as I left.

His dogs weren't one to bark since they got used to me so my exit was smooth. It was cold outside but I was glad to get out of this place.

I walked down the streets and I felt lonely as ever.

This road was definitely a lonely and cold one. I walked briskly down the street  and kept my fears hidden.

"You shouldn't be walking alone on such a street...."that voice was the voice that's been haunting me as of recently.

"Go away..."I eyes her the wind slapping me.

"Here"she simply replied placing a huge leather looking jacket over my shoulders.

She was already wearing a long sleeve blouse, why wear a creepy jacket?

"I just want to be your friend, I'm sorry about that night, I had a little too much to drink..."she tried.

Please,no not this again!

"Come on not this again..."I asked no one in particular.

"What do you want from me?"I asked irritated.

"I just want to be your friend, I know you hate me but give me a chance...."she asked me.

"No..."I continued walking furiously.

It went silent and all I could hear was our  feets making a beat on the ground.

I could feel her stare and I awkwardly continued my walk. I didn't feel that cold with the jacket over my shoulders.

"Why are you stalking me?"I asked looking in her direction although she was already staring.

"I'm not stalking you, I was worried and didn't want you to walk home all alone..."she claimed.

"Why?You don't know me?Why are you being so nice..."I argued.

"You are absolutely right, I don't, but I know your name is Destiny and you work at a coffee shop....
You love the color red, you always have to wear something red everyday..."she spoke and I walked on glancing at her.

How'd she know I like red?

"You can't go fifteen seconds without blinking...."she added.

"I do not....."I defended.

We had a stare down.A few moments passed.

"See..."she announced.

"What?"I asked unaware of blinking.

"You just did, I saw it, you may not have noticed but I do..."she told me.

"Whatever..."I rolled my eyes walking on at a faster paste.

She sped up too and we walked in silence once again. Normally I'd sing lowly or hum to myself when I walk home alone but now that she's here I couldn't.

The silence was killing me not because we weren't speaking but the fact that she's here. If she wasn't here the silence would be fine.

I sighed unknowingly again.
I could still feel her eyes pasted to me.

Why was she doing this?

Why was she walking me home?
We aren't friends!

"So can we be friends?"she pressed on.

"No!"I barked.

"Why don't you just disappear and leave me alone!"I hissed looking her way.

The bitter words that I said to her were left swinging in the air from that flashback.

No!I don't miss her!

Maybe I was too harsh?
She turned out to be right after all about this guy.

You're gonna regret this Destiny..."she almost sounded like she's begging.

Her words from that night pounded in my head. She turned out to be right after all. I did regret this.

Maybe his name isn't even really Anthony? Maybe it's Curtis as she said?

I can't be so sure, she just might be trying to win me too. At this point I know I couldn't trust anyone but what I did know is that I owe her an apology.

But how will I apologize if she stops coming around?.

I then remembered something.

Here you guys go. I truly apologize for taking so long to update but I did anyways.

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