👑33| Release

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"Get her out!" Woo Hyun orders. The guards bow before him and march to my cell. My eyes start to waver with a tinge of hope in them. He came to release me?

  He actually came all the way to release me? Could he have just placed me here to please the public for a while?

If that is it, then he's not cold hearted as I thought he was. A little smile cracks the sadness from my face seeing his face.

Bo Mi stands by me and moves back as the guards jump to unlock the cell.

"Are you okay?", she asks almost in tears as her eyes settle over my attempts to stand up. The guards move over to the end and disengage the lock from the bars before sliding it backwards.

I look behind the wall to check up on him but I find a quiet stance. I wonder who he is?

What did he commit to stay here over fifteen years? Who left him here? Was it the Crown Prince?

My thoughts exasperate when Bo Mi calls out to me.

"Y-You came? You don't hate me anymore?" I stutter as I try to hold her hands in tears. My heart leaps with joy and relief as she returns a smile while nodding her head. She pulls me into a hug immediately the guard  opens the lock.

  Her arms hover over my neck pulling me into a deep hug. Her abrupt action chokes me for a moment when I feel a tight grasp over my neck. I soon do not feel that way anymore as she starts sobbing again. At that moment, my hands fall beside me while I inhale deeply.

I break away as my feet start to wobble making me stumble back.

 "Your ankle", she adds after throwing her concerned eyes over my feet. I look down while holding my body with one leg. I feel a sharp pain each time I try to walk with the other leg. The guards move away to their posts, but their eyes gaze at me in a weird manner.

  Bo Mi turns around wondering how she is to get me out of here back to our house with my ankle sprained. With this the room becomes silent as I stare at my ankle cluelessly through.

My heart jumps out of my chest as I feel my body being raised up into someone's arms.

  Bo Mi turns her head in surprise while she watches me lie in his arms. He twirls to the opposite direction. My eyes waver in circles and closes as my mind tried to process the situation I am in.

  He is actually carrying me in his arms?

 When I force my eyes open, I find myself still in his arms. I'm not dreaming.

  He stops walking for a moment when he sees a stop by. Slowly adjusting my body against the chair, I stare at him with my cheeks all flushed and red from the shocking experience.

 As he lowers his hand over my ankle, my cheeks frown into a short scream when he twists my ankle at a go.

Bo Mi stands by with a laugh forcing to expose its cycle. But when he gets up, she steps back quickly.

  He spins over from where he stands and starts to take steps out. "About the theft case-"

"-item is returned. I'll deal with the rest."

With that he lowers his eyes and proceeds walking. I tap my feet quickly over the floor and rush to stand in front of him with my arms open wide.

  His eyes look up finding a pair of arms blocking his way. I stumble back after he returns an impatient look in  his eyes.

  "About the guard selection audition-"

 "-that depends on your abilities to cover up. I won't cover up for other mistakes based on your stupidity."

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