During Lunch

Apple White was holding a planning meeting during lunch hours. Apparently the only people that showed up were Y/N and Darling Charming, who Y/N had got along greatly since she knew how to fight. "Okay, only one person, but we'll make it work!" Y/N make small snow bunny's to hop to around the room but to just melt in to sun as it touched the window(When you're in a cold classroom and you feel the warmth of the window?). "Thanks for coming you guys. Is there some special interest you have in Wonderland?" Apple said, writing everything down. "Oh, uh you know... who isn't interested in Wonderland? Especially what secrets it might hold. Not that I like secrets, or have any! Or... um..." Y/N looks at Darling with suspicion but shrugs it off. Lizzie walks in through the door with a sad look on her face "Lizzie! I'm so glad you could make it." "Apple, I'm sorry, but talking about Wonderland is difficult for me right now." "That's fine Lizzie. We all go through some metal disorder when we're separated from our loved ones." Y/N said with a hand on her shoulder. "See, today is my mother's birthday." "Sweet!" "Oh, but that's wonderful." "Hmm... not really. She sent me an invitation." Lizzie hands Apple the paper that had the invitation... with a mouth. "Your presents are requested at the Queen's birthday bash. Yes, it has been far too long. And I cannot wait to bask in your presents. P.S.: don't forget the presents." The mouth said. "Your mom sure likes presents." "I can't blame her,". "I so would love to be there to help her spell-ebrate. But with the entrance sealed, I can never go home." "I'm sorry that must be difficult." Apple said with sadness for her friend. "I know how you're feeling Lizzie. I can't go home to see my dad or godfather." Y/N said tapping the desk with her staff and making a crown of hearts on it made of frost. Then the invitation gets snatched from Apple's hand and a familiar yet annoying laugh filled the room. That's when Faybelle appeared "An invisibility spell. Boo yah!" Faybelle taunted "Sorry, but I had to pull the brakes on that sob story. We were only one part away from the waterworks and I don't think that foundation is flood proof." Y/N growled in annoyance. "And I don't think your voice is flood from. I think I lost a brain cell from you speaking bs." "Y/N!" Apple quickly shouts. Sure Faybelle was annoying but there wasn't any reason to be rude.

Faybelle just ignored Y/N and kept teasing Lizzie "So, little miss "I heart Wonderland" wants wants to go home and see her mommy, sounds like you need the help of a dark fairy." Faybelle said with pride. "The Devil, himself could do better than this." Y/N comments before given a glare by Apple. "Whatever, Pitch Freak." Y/N was now pissed and added a little ice to her staff, to make it a sythe. "I think you need to pay Satan a little visit." Y/N said but Apple stopped her from moving any further. "Yup, you need some pretty powerful magic to get to Wonderland and clearly I'm the most powerful one here-" Faybelle was then cut off by Raven poofing in with her magic and friends. "Finally! I got us to the study hall." Raven said with joy. "You came!" "Yeah, sorry we're late Apple. Oh, and sorry I smashed you Faybelle." Raven said, now finding out she was sitting on her. Y/N huffed btu smirked and Raven for finally shutting up Faybelle. "Don't apologize. You made my kill easier." "Y/N, what did we talk about?" "No Grimm reapering." "Exactly, as much as I secret am annoyed with Faybelle, you don't need to kill her." "Not yet at least." "No cuddles for a month." "Damn." Y/N mumbled, having to melt the blade. "Guys! Someone is trying to overthrow the Queen of Hearts, today!" Madeline shouts. "Let me guess, the voices?" Y/N suggested "Yep." "If my mother is in danger, well, we-" "Don't worry, Lizzie, we'll figure out a way to help her." "But how, if we can't even get back to Wonderland?" Bunny asked in confusion. "There's got to be some way. A weak spot, or-or a secret we don't know about." "This isn't Star Wars Raven." "Or maybe we should look at what's been written about Wonderland before?" Darling suggested "I mean we're surrounded by old research, aren't we?" Raven nods and starts to grab a random book. "Everybody, grab a book. Look for what you can find out about Wonderland, or how to get back- anything!" Everyone than spread out like mice to search for anything Y/N quickly threw a book at Faybelle's head for some payback before looking around. Darling dropped a few... maybe five... or more than twenty book into Apple's arms who was wobbling like a caterpillar moving when it's dangling from something. Y/N helps Apple with her balance and kisses her cheek before looking elsewhere. "Maddie, is it true that school in Wonderland is held one day a year?" "Lucky." "Yeah, but we have to cram a l-l-l-l-l-lotta study into that one day!". "It was a wonderful place to live." 'Didn't the land had death at every turn?!' "And your mom was a great queen Lizzie, I think the curse has just kinda stressed her out." 'Didn't she decapitate people for small reasons?!?!' Y/N thought again. "I know that look Y/N." "Don't worry I won't say it." Y/N said as she held Apple in her arms, nuzzled into her neck. "I'm sorry Lizzie, despite what I said in the castleteria, this really is my mom's fault. I almost wish she were around. I could reason with her. She'd be powerful enough to open up the worlds again." Y/N snickers "Can I say it?" Y/N asked with permission "Fine, make it quick." Y/N looked out Raven with a look of pity. "Raven, I'd hate to tell you this... but not all villains can't be redeemed." "But what about your godfather, Pitch Black?" "I never said he was no longer the bad guy. He lives for fear and power. The only reason he doesn't do that stuff is because I visit him once a month for about a week. Sure, a lot are redeemable, but that doesn't mean there are some who are beyond of that. I learned that the hard way." Y/N said.

The Light in the Dark {Apple White x Fem~Reader}Where stories live. Discover now