"What is it?" Sakari almost didn't speak, for she was worried that the effect might happen to her.

"A spirit is doing this. I know the name, but it's been such a long time since I've studied them for school once." Kajiosa's crimson hues observed the space they were in, deciding which path to go down. "Let's try the right side." she gestured to it.

"O-Okay..." Leiko stammered, honestly not knowing what to say. She was shocked at finding this out.

Leiko felt Aerial's hands on her and her brother's shoulders respectively. "I know this is frightening, but we'll try and get through this. We have to do these tasks to find the others. Wakati unaweza kutupa nguvu."

Ha'lia blinked, recognizing what Aerial had said. "Did you say 'May time give us strength' in Swahili?"

"I did." she wore a small smile, happy to meet humans that understand it. "I did it as a way to help give us some motivation for this mission. Do you and your sister speak the language?"

"A little bit. Our mother taught us Swahili when we were younger. She was of Hawaiian and Botswanan descent, so she give us some insight on those languages in case we visited other countries." Leiko spoke up, her expression becoming a bit distant. "We miss her a lot ever since she had to take a job overseas."

Aerial nodded. "I understand that in a way. My mother...well." her brows furrowed with hesitance and she soughed. "I take it you two already know about the story?"

"We do. Leiko told me after she got home a few weeks ago. I'm really sorry, Aerial." Ha'lia voiced out of sympathy.

"It's alright. Hopefully, we will be able to save her and the others in time once we find the other entities."

Around this point, the group had gone down the pathway Kajiosa suggested. A bright light greeted them out of the corner of their eye, but when they got a closer look, it wasn't just a light.

It was a spirit.

What was it doing here?

Kajiosa noticed and spread her arms out, observing. The spirit had a dark orb in the center of it, flickering and something clicked for the elemental being. She knew what this was now.

"This is a rogue white flame! A Perfide!"

This caused Sakari to look at her. "...A rogue white flame?!" she assumed Perfide probably had to mean that, but she wasn't sure.

"Yes. Rogue white flames are, well...light souls that have diverted off from the usual good morals of a regular white flame. They slowly become a dark flame over time or half of them does, like this one here." Kajiosa voiced and the spirit cackled. "That's not to say that white flames can also have bad morals as well, of course. They can possess any ancient powers, but this one seems to only be capable of wiping a person's memory of trying to say its name.  So it has to be a Psychic type. That's why it had such an effect on Tina earlier, but I don't know about Fira.

She stepped forward and crossed her arms, the purple light she had made floating beside her. "What are you doing here, Perfide? You're not supposed to be in this cave."

The spirit spoke Latin and a scowl set on Kajiosa's lips.

"It said that this is its place now and that it will keep us in here if we try and persist." her hues set on the spirit again. "We're not leaving, spirit. We're here for someone."

Fira stepped forward. "And if you don't step aside, things are going to get ugly." the fireball in her hand glowed brighter and she could've sworn that the spirit looked...scared?

It sounded like it was making gibberish before taking a breather. Its flames glowed brighter to mimic the fire and a blue light shone in the center. Oh shit.

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