80. Twoset Grapefruit Boys IV

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"Eddy.... let ..me...GO !!!"

"And just where do you think you're gonna go Brett!?? Huh???!"

"I will go to uni and drag her out of her lecture theatre or tutorial room or whatever and find out...."

"What?? Just HOW are you going to find out !?!?!?"

"Oh my god!!!!....Oh my god..."

Brett was on the verge of hyperventilating.

"Brett, she is 20 years old. She is over 18. SHE IS AN ADULT.


"OMG we're not going through this again are we?"

"Just hang on a second...!! Eddy !! Just how the f*ck did YOU FIND OUT!?!?!?"

"I found a receipt in her bedroom...."

'What, did it have an itemised description!?!?!??!"

"Yes, much to my bemusement it bloody did."


Brett was desperate for an alternative scenario.

"But...but.. but Eddy, it could have been for someone else ?? Like her friend ??? I know !!! That Brad kid!! Yeah!!! He must have gotten it done !!! Of course !! That would make sense !?!?"

"Brett... it had her name and date of birth printed on it.."


"Brett, she is an adult now. Had she moved out of home at age 18, we would have never known what she'd be doing. I mean, I entertained the thought of not telling you..."


"I know. I couldn't do that to you either. Even though I knew you'd freak out. You're her dad too. If I know, you should know, too."

"Oh my god... my baby...WHY..!?!?!? Oh my f*ckig god do you think she's going to show it to Brad !?!?!?!"

Eddy bit his lip.

"Um... I dunno, maybe she wouldn't want to show it off to anyone...?"

"But if she doesn't want to show it off to anyone, why would she get it done..??"

...for her own pleasure?

Eddy cringed. He so wished Brett didn't speak his thoughts out loud with so much detail. Sometimes it would take Eddy's thoughts to places he just really didn't want to go to.

It took a bit longer for Brett to arrive at the place where Eddy was.


That's when they heard the front door unlock.

"Daaads?? I'm home."

Brett caught Eddy off guard and rolled out from underneath him and sprinted to the front door. Eddy quickly chased after him and managed to grab him from behind but he couldn't cover Brett's mouth in time.


Eddy calmly thought what a bizarre thing to say to your adult daughter.


"You!!! You... you got a..."


"Deddy..?? Why is Detty mad?"

"I'm sorry Claire, I found your receipt from the piercing parlour in your room...."

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