Chapter Three

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"what are you wearing for the party"? Charlotte asks me as she rummages through the closet.

"I don't know I'll probably wear this". I say holding up a long sleeve white dress with a floral prints on it. 

"What the hell is that piece of garbage? Did you grandmother from the 1800's give it to you"? Charlotte laughs out and I give her a look. 

"No. I got it at Old Navy last year I never got to wear it". I say softly and she laughs out loud again. 

"Well, your never going to get the chance to wear it. Here wear this". she tells me, handing me a black dress that looked like it wouldn't even cover my stomach. It looked like a piece of cloth.

"This wont even cover my stomach what is-". 

"just put it on". she says and I gently grab it from her, going to the bathroom and I put it on. 

Once I put it on I take a look at myself in the mirror. I don't look that bad actually. I swirl in the mirror and giggle at my goofiness. 

"Let me see how you look"! I hear Charlotte yell through the door. 

I open the bathroom door and reveal my outfit to Charlotte and her eyes go wide. 

"You look so hot. If I was a lesbian I would date you". she laughs and and I shyly look away. 

"My brother is totally going to want to fuck you tonight". she says loudly and my eyes widen. 

"Um. Excuse me"? I say and she scoffs. 

"Never mind". she mumbles, applying eye-liner to my eyes. 

"you ready to go"? she asks 20 minutes later and I nod, grabbing my purse. 

Once we arrive it's really packed. Drunk kids passed out on the lawn, couples making out, and music blasting through the whole house. 

We walk in and Charlotte walks away leaving me by myself. 

"hey there's the pretty girl I knocked over". I hear a deep voice behind me and turn around to see Sebastian. 

"Hey Sebastian". I say smiling and he hugs me, kissing my forehead as well. 

"How you like it so far"? 

"well in the 2 minutes I've been here I say it's alright". I giggle and he chuckles, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. 

I blush and he grabs my hand. 

"c'mon lets go up to the room". he smirks, leading me up to the bed room. 

I follow him and once we get in the room I still on the bed while he remains standing.

"Isabella have you ever had a boyfriend"? He asks, locking the door and I shift uncomfortably on the bed. 


"You don't have to be shy. Let me ask you a question though do you find me attractive"? he asks sitting next to me on the bed.

"uh y-yeah". I stutter and bite my lip from the embarrassment that I feel all around me.

"you look so hot when you bite your lip". he whispers in my ear. 

I sit there in silence until he puts my hand on his thigh making me speak up. 

"uh w-what are you d-". 

"shhh. Have you ever kissed anyone before"? 

I shake my head no and he smirks. He then slams his lips against mine. 

I have no exact clue of what I'm doing but I'm just going with the flow. I notice Sebastian starting to undo the tie on the back if the dress and I push him away. 

"S-stop". I say shyly and he looks at me with confusion.

"what's wrong. Wait. Your a virgin aren't you"? 

I nod my head and he sighs. 

"I'm so sorry". he mumbles bringing me off his lap and I sit beside him playing with my fingers. 

"I hope we can still be friends I didn't mean to do that. Charlotte told me you weren't one". he says softly. 

"it's fine". I say and he puts his hand on my back and rubs my back softly. 

"We still cool"? He asks and I nod smiling. He smiles and gives me a small hug. 

"c'mon lets go play spin the bottle". he says taking my hand as we walk downstairs together. On the way down I bump into a brown haired girl causing her to spill her drink all over their shirt. 

"oh my gosh I'm so sorry". I say and the brown haired girl looks at me.

"watch it slut". she spits at me and I look at Sebastian. 

"sorry. That's Charlie. She can be a bitch sometimes". he says lowly and I just look at him as we walk into the living room. 

"I found you"! Charlotte slurs, holding a bottle of alcohol in her hand. 

Sebastian places me on his lap and runs his fingers through my hair as I watch everyone play.

While everyone plays I'm in my own thoughts until I hear people shouting my name.


"huh". I speak up and Sebastian laughs. 

"it's your turn babe". he says and I get up awkwardly spinning the bottle. 

The bottle spins stopping at a black haired guy with a middle part and earrings. 

He walks up to me and smiles. "Let's do this". 

I have no clue what his name is or anything and I'm about to have my second kiss of the night. 

"Wait. What's your name"? I ask and he looks at me chuckling. 

"It's a mystery". he smiles, pressing his lips against mine. 

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