Chapter Forty

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Chase's lips were locked in between Nessa's. 

"Chase...How could you?" I ask, as Chase pulls away, his face has a look of guilt, as Nessa smirks. 

"It's not like you two were nothing special. Chase you got what you wanted, now let's go", Nessa says smirking, starting to walk away while Chase curses to himself. 

"Chase. What does she mean by you got what you wanted?" I ask, tears brimming in my eyes. 

"Chase. Don't", Nessa barks at him as he sighs. 

"I have to tell her", he says softly as Nessa shrugs. 

"TELL ME WHAT?!" I shout.

"I used you", Chase mumbled, sounding as if he were disappointed in himself.

"You what?" I ask. 

"When you first came, Charlotte said you seemed a little shy. So, Sebastian decided to give us a bet. He bet that I couldn't get you to break out of your shell. So we put Vincent up to it, but it wasn't successful. So, then Everyone thought I would be a good candidate. That's where it all started. Once you finally did it with me on Christmas, I knew I had completed the mission. The problem was I had already fallen for you before then", Chase explains as I'm at a loss for words. 

"I- ", I start to say, but instead all I had the courage to do was slap him.

"Fuck you Chase!" I shout, moving past him. 

I go up to my dorm room, going into the bathroom, calling my dad. 

"Hey sweetie", My dad says cheerfully. 

"How's mom?" I ask, trying to make sure I didn't sound like I was crying. 

"Uh. Honey. She didn't make it. They did surgery on her last night. She wouldn't wake up this morning", my dad said as my heart sinks. First Chase. Now this. 

"Why didn't you say anything?" I ask, starting to cry. 

"I was, I just didn't know how", my dad says as I then hang up. 

The door opens and I walk out the bathroom to see Charlotte. 

"You bitch", I mutter as she sighs. 

"I was going to tell you I-", she starts to say as I shush her. 

"I don't want to hear it. Why? How? How could you do this to me? I did nothing to you, but be nice", I say angrily. 

"I came over here to tell you that Chase really does love you", she sighs. 

"I don't believe anything else that comes from his mouth", I spit angrily as the door opens again. 

"Bella. We need to talk", Chase says, grabbing my arm lightly. 

"No Chase. What is there to talk about? You used me. Your a dirty bastard and I never want to see you again!" I shout. 

"I Love you", Chase sighs. 

"I don't love you. I hate you. Before I met you Chase, I was a girl who was innocent. Before I met you, I loved to study. Before I met you, I had one dream and one love which was school. Until you came into my life, I had it all, but ever since I met you all you've done is torn me down. You acted like you hated me, then you acted like you loved me. Make up your damn mind", I say as he sighs, putting his head in his hands. 

"I've changed", he whispers. 

"How long?" I ask. 

"How long what?" 

"how long have you truly loved me? Was it before you used me or after?" 

"During", he sighs. 

"what do you mean during?"

"While we were making love, I realized you were the only girl for me. No matter if my friends made fun of me or not, I liked you. You were unique. There was something about you I enjoyed. I love being around you", Chase says as I laugh. 

"What about you and Nessa huh? You have an explanation for that?" I ask. 

"Bella. I'm sorry. I don't what else you want me to do", He sighs. 

"I want you to get out of my life", I sigh, taking a gulp. 

"What? You don't mean that? Do you?" he asks, looking as if he were going to cry. 


Chase goes to say something before turning around, he look at me one more time before heading out the door. Charlotte walks out right after him.

I lay on bed, confused, hurt, and broken. My first love, was gone. 

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