Chapter Sixteen

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I wait about 20 minutes before heading downstairs back to my mom and dad. No sign of Chase so far. 

"Where's Chase"? 

"Oh he went to go stop by the store. I thought he told you"? My mom asks, taking a sip of her coffee. 

"I must've forgotten sorry". I mumble, heading back upstairs to my room. 

I decide to call Chloe and see if she's back in town. Luckily she answers on the second ring.


"Hey Chloe are you back in town? I was wondering if you wanted to hang out"? 

"Of course. I'm at my mom's and dad's I'll be over in five". 

"Ok perfect see you then". I say before hanging up. 

Growing up Chloe lived down the street from me so we were always abler to hang out. 

I throw on a gray sweater with jeans and some boots, putting my hair in a ponytail. 

I head downstairs making sure to have my phone and purse. 

"I'm going to hang out with Chloe for a bit mom and dad, I'll be back later". 

"Alright have fun. make sure to be home before dinner. Chase volunteered to cook dinner as well". my mom smiles and I mentally rolled my eyes at hearing his name. I was angry at him and I don't know when I would stop. He pissed me off a lot earlier. 

I go outside, sitting on the porch waiting for Chloe. To my luck as soon as she walks up the walkways, Chase pulls up to the side of the street. He then proceeds to get out of the care with bags of groceries. 

"Hey girl". Chloe says excitedly, pulling me in for a hug. 

"Hey, How have you been? I haven't seen you in what feels like forever". I say laughing, she nods her head in agreement. 

"I've been good. i actually have a boyfriend". 


"his name's Nick. We met right before college in a coffee shop. He's the best boyfriend". she says smiling. 

"I'm glad you found someone". I give her another hug. 

"excuse me ladies". Chase says, walking pasts us with a handful of groceries. 

"Who's that"? she whispers. 

"Oh that's my- uh someone I met a couple months ago". I say fake smiling. 

"He's cute". she raises her eyebrows and I laugh. 

"You ready to go"? 

"yeah. Where are we going"? 

"I was thinking maybe movies"? 

"sure sounds cool". I say, she smiles as we begin to walk down the walkway. 

"oh also I hope you don't mind but I brought Nick with me". 

"oh yeah of course. I get to meet him for myself and make sure he's treating my bestfriend right". I joke and she laughs. 

"where you too beautiful ladies going"? I hear Chase's deep voice say and I turn around to see him smiling. 

"we're actually headed to the movies would you want to come"? Chloe asked. 

Chloe what have you done. I thought to myself.

"yeah sure, let me grab my wallet". Chase says, walking back into the house coming out 2 minutes later. 

"Alright so guys this is my boyfriend Nick". Chloe says once we reach her house and standing out side is Nick. He has blonde hair and really gorgeous eyes. 

"Nick? I haven't seen you in so long"! Chase exclaims, as they both hug each other. 

"You too know each other"? I ask, Chase and Nick nod. 

"yeah we grew up as bestfriends". Chase says. 

"It's been so long man...I haven't seen you since... you know". Nick says and it gets awkwardly quiet. Chase nods and clears his throat. 

"well, you guys ready to go see a movie"? Chloe says, breaking the awkward tension between all of us. 

We head to the movies and the whole car ride there we all made short conversation. Nick tells us about his major and other things that happened before college during his high school days. 

"Do you guys want to watcha  scary movie"? Chloe asks and everyone nods there heads in agreements.

Once Chloe pays for our tickets her and her boyfriend go off into the photo booth that's in the corner of the theatre. 

"Do you want any candy"? Chase asks and I shrug, picking out a candy. 

As I reach for my wallet, Chase stops me. 

"I'll pay babe". he smiles. His smile will honestly be the death of me. 

We eventually get seated in the theatre. Nick and Chloe cuddle while Chase and I both sit up normally. 

Later in the movie, about half way through Chase puts his hand on my thigh and I don't know why I let it sit there but I allowed it. It wasn't that harmful. 

There was a part where it was a jump scare and I quickly fell in Chase's shoulder and he chuckled causing me to feel a vibration because of how deep his voice was.

"you alright there babe"? 

"yeah I'm fine". I say embarrassed, clearing my throat and sitting back to the way I was. Chase's hand still remained on my thigh the rest of the movie. 

After the movie was over it was time for lunch so we all decided to go to this pizza place that was 5 minutes away from the movie theatre. 

"This place is so good. I wish we had one back where I lived". Nick says, taking a bite of his Pizza and Chase nods. 

"bro remember when we used to go to Randy's pizza place after our games". Chase said and Nick laughed, reminiscing with Chase. 

I liked seeing this Chase. So happy and carefree. Not giving a shit of what people are telling him or anything. I wanted this Chase in my life. The other Chase was so down and moody and always had a smart remark.

"You alright there"? Chase ask, as I'm deep in my thoughts. 

"yeah I'm fine". I smile. 



This time I wasn't lying. I actually was fine and wanted to be in that moment forever. 


wow. I updated two chapter in the span of less than an hour I'm very proud of myself. I might be nice and give y'all one or two more updates on this book today and hopefully the other one I can write a really good chapter. Again thx for all the support i love you all stay safe my huddy friends<3

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