Chapter Six

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It's lunch and I walk through the outside looking for Sebastian when I get a text. 

Seb: We're by the pond babe ;)

Izzy: Ok I'm Coming :)

I look for the pond and I fins Sebastian standing there with Charlotte and some other guy and girl. 

"Hey Bella". Charlotte says and I smile at the nickname. 

"Hey". I smile and there's a boy with brown hair staring at me. His hands  are around the girl next to him.

"I'm Anthony". he says and the girl next to him smiles at me. 

"I'm Avani". she holds her hand out for me to shake and I shake it and Jaden proceeds to give me a fist bump. 

"where's Chase"? Josh asks and Sebastian shrugs. 

"oh there he is". Charlotte says and Chase comes walking up to us. He has a black eye. 

"Oh no. What Happened man"? Sebastian ask and Chase looks away for a moment. 

"I don't want to talk about it". he mumbles. 

"Are you sure you-". Avani starts to say but Chase interrupts her. 

"I said I don't want to talk about it"! He yells and everyone flinches.

"alright you guys ready to go"? Sebastian and everyone quietly mumbles a 'yes'. 

We all walk to Starbucks and as I'm about to look for what I want Sebastian come close to me. 

"What do you want babe"? 

"I'll take the mocha Frap". I say shyly and he laughs. 

"You don't have to be so shy around me". he giggles slightly and I laugh. 

"Ugh. get a room you too". I hear chase say, Sebastian and I exchange a look.

Sebastian proceeds to order and in the mean while Avani, Anthony and I spark up a small conversation.

"Do you like it out here so far"? Avani ask, chewing the piece of gum in her mouth.

"yeah. It's pretty Nice. I've met a few people out here". 

"That's good. Found any boyfriend"? she ask raising her eyebrow and I look away shyly. Chase looks up at gives Avani and I look. He looks like he's waiting for my answer. 

"No. I've never had a boyfriend". I say, cheeks flustered at this point. 

"Aw. I'll help you find someone. There are plenty of people out in new York especially on this campus". she says giving me a sweet smile. 

"Thank you but I want to find the right one". I say and she furrows her eyebrows. 

"give me the definition of the right one"?

"I don't know. Some who treats me right. You know like prince charming". i laugh and Avani laughs as well. 

"Prince Charming's don't exist". chase mumbles and we all give him a questioning look. 

"why do you say that Chase"? Avani ask, putting her feet up on Anthony's lap, leaning back against the back of the booth.

"Just because Avani. You ask so many fucking questions". Chase groans and Avani throws her hands u in defense. 

"Anyways. What's your major"? Anthony asks, placing his hand on Avani's thigh. 

"English what about you two"? 

"Engineering for me and for Avani she's doing Law". Anthony speaks up and I nod. 

"here you go babe". Sebastian says, walking around me handing me my drink.

"thank you". I say blushing. 

Out of no where Chase gets up and walks out. 

"what's wrong with him today"? Charlotte asks and Sebastian shrugs. 

"I don't know he was fine yesterday". Anthony says, shrugging. 

"Can I ask you guys a question"? I say and they all nod.

"Do you Know Vinnie"? 

Anthony nods. 

"yeah. he's a cool guy why"? 

"Oh when I was in my 2nd class Him and I were talking and Chase came next to us and they kept exchanging weird looks the whole time. Then when I asked Vinnie he just said never mind and walked away". 

"I don't know. that's weird I'll ask him". Sebastian says and I nod. he places his arm around me and I smile. Avani winks and Anthony raises his eyebrows in a funny way causing me to laugh.

I think I'll like it here...

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