Chapter Five

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The rest of class goes by smoothly and sooner or later I look up and it's already time for my next class. 

On my way to the next class I bump into Sebastian. 

"Hey did you get home safe"? he asks and I nod. 

"that's good. By the way my group and I  going to Starbucks for lunch you coming"? 

"uh. Sure why not". I say and he smiles, pulling me in for a hug. 

"see you later". 

Sebastian seems to be like the only normal kid that I met here. 

Charlotte is a party girl. The girl I ran into last night by accident is a complete bitch and Chase is a mystery. 

Speaking of Chase I wonder what grade he's in considering in my English class I have multiple grades with me. 

I continue to walk inside my next class and someone bumps into me. 

I drop my books and I look up to see Charlie. 

"Move it bitch". she mutters. 

"Stop being a bitch for once". I hear a deep voice tell Charlie and I look over to see Chase. 

She rolls her eyes and says "You weren't complaining when You were up on me last night". 

He rolls his eyes and groans. 

"Yeah your right because I was drenched from your stinky ass smell now get out of here". Chase says angrily and Charlie looks offended as she then walks away. 

"sorry about her. She Just hates Freshman". Chase mutters as he helps me pick up my books. 

Once we're done picking up my books Chase stands there for a moment. 

"I'll see you around". he says, before walking away and I smile, walking into my next class. Phycology. 

I sit down and there's a boy who sits next to me. he has light browinsh hair, a beanie on top of it. A few earrings like Chase and tattoos and his outfit is a hoodie with black jeans and vans.

"Hi". He says shyly and I smile. 


"My names Vincent what about you"? 


"Isabella. That's cute. What's your major"? 

"English how about you". 

"Law. I want to become a lawyer like my father". He says and I smile at him. 

"that's cool. I couldn't be a lawyer. I don't like to lie". I say jokingly and he laughs. 

"Your funny. Are you single"? He asks and he catches me off guard. 

"Uh. Yeah I am". I say shyly and he nods. 

"Are you free this Saturday"? he asks and I think to myself. I really need to study. 

"I'm sorry. I would love too but I'm actually studying. Maybe next Saturday"?

"Yeah of course. Can I get your Number"? He asks and I nod, handing him my phone as he puts in his number. 

"Alright class We are about to start make sure you have everything out and ready". The professor says as everyone quiets down and gets our items out. 

After about 20 minutes of class the door opens and Chase walks in. 

He talks to the professor and soon spots me and walks up to where I am taking a seat on the other side of me. He has a straight face and looks kind of angry. 

"Are you alright"? 

"I'm fine". He mutters slightly angry and he gives Vinnie a look. Vinnie rolls his eyes and my mind goes into why they keep exchanging weird looks. 

We continue to work on our work while the teacher lectures us on a few things. In the middle of the lecture I drop my pencil and Vinnie picks it up. 

"She can get her own shit". Chase mutters lowly and Vinnie scoffs. 

"I was just being a gentleman". Vinnie says and Chase rolls his eyes. 

"Do you have to talk back every time. Just shut the fuck up". Chase says lowly and Vinnie shuts up, turning his attention back to the Professor and so do I. I take a glance at Chase and he looks at me before sighing, turning his attention back to the paper down below him. 

I'm glad once the bell rings because now I can get away from the awkward tension between Vinnie and Chase. 

"do you want me to walk you to the next class"? Vinnie asks and I shrug. 

"sure". I smile and he returns the smile and we start a small conversation on the way to my next class.

"where are you from"? he asks me. 

"I was originally born in Boston but moved out to Los Angeles when I was 5".

"Oh nice. I was born In Seattle" he says smiling. 

"Cool. What grade are you"? 

"Junior. Lemme guess your a freshman"? He ask, laughing and I nod. 

"How do you like it so far"? 

"It's okay I guess. I've met a few people". 

"I take it you've met Chase"? 

"Yeah. He seems nice". I say smiling and he shrugs. 

"I guess. Just depends". He says lowly. 

"what do you mean"? 

"Never mind. Your going to be late to your class. I'll text you later". Vinnie says, proceeding to walk off to his own class. 

That was weird...why did he say never mind and just run off? 

Was it something I said? 

What was he hiding about Chase? Chase seemed nice.

I guess I'll have to find out on my own..

Before We MetNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ