Chapter Nineteen

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I wake up with a killer headache and an upset stomach. Cramps to be exact. Shit I wasn't prepared. 

Chase was next to me sleeping like a peaceful angel. I wanted to wake him but to be honest what was he going to do? It's not like he's going to have pads. He's sure not going out on a Sunday morning to get any either. 

I continue to just look at him before I get the courage to shake him a little. Instead of waking up, he groans and pulls me in a little closer. 

"Chase. Wake up". I whisper a little louder. 

"Hmm. what time is it. Isn't it Sunday"?

"Yes. I um. Started my shark week". I whisper and he turns to me so he can face me. 

"Do you want me to go get you um, you know the long things you stick up your coochie"? 

I try so hard not to laugh but I burst out into giggles. 

"you mean tampons? Yes I would appreciate if you did that for me". 

"Alright, anything else you need like chocolate"? 

"You know not all girls eat chocolate when their on their period". 

"Do you want chocolate yes or no"? 

"yes". I smile, he rolls his eyes, throwing a shirt on. 

"Thank you". I say smiling. 

"Mhm". he mumbles, walking out with his car keys and closing the door behind him. 

I roll over trying to find my phone and I see that it's all the way across the room on Chase's dresser.

Once I grabbed it, I sat back down on the bed and saw that I had 3 missed calls from Sebastian and 2 from Charlotte. 

I text back everyone letting them know that Chase took me off to which they all replied with a smirk. 

10 minutes later the door open and the person who walks in isn't Chase but it's the blonde girl from the other day. 

"Um do you know where Chase is"? she asks, twirling her hair. 

"Yeah he want to the store he'll be right back". I say as sweet as I can without wanting to hit her in that hollow head of hers. 

"Wait, why are you here? Who are you"? 

"I'm um his friend". I say and she nods. 

"Well let me know when he comes back". she smiles, walking out the door. 

Dumb Bitch. 

As soon as she leaves I get a phone call from Chase. 


"Yeah uh what stick things do I get you"? 

"Chase. Their tampons". I laugh. 

"Ok I get that but what size. I look fucking weird in the store staring at a bunch of Things you stick up your damn cooch". Chase mumbles causing me to giggle. 

"I'm a medium flow". I say. 

"Okay thank you". He says, before hanging up. 

I continue to lay there until a few moments later Chase comes walking in with a bag. 

"So here's your sticks. I also got you a bag of hot Cheetos and Hershey's chocolate".

He hands me the bag and I smile looking at the goodies inside. 

"You need to stop calling them sticks". I giggle. 

He takes off his shirt, getting back in bed. 

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