Chapter Twenty

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"Nick just drop it. I don't think I can tell her. She's going to hate me". 

"Just shut up and I'll tell her when I'm ready"!

I hear yelling as I slowly open my eyes to Chase pacing back and forth. 

"Are you okay"? I ask softly. 

"I'm gonna call you back". Chase mumbles through the phone, tossing it on the bed lightly.

"hey. Sorry did I wake you"? 

I laugh, nodding my head slightly. 

"I'm sorry. Nick and I were just talking about something". he mumbles, sitting next to me. 

It was silent until he furrowed his eyebrows and he cleared his throat. 

"We have to leave for class if you want I can drop you off by your dorm and then we can head over". 

"Ok that sounds good to me". I say as he looks around, picking up a shirt and throws it on. 

" Ready"? Chase asks moments later, I nod my head as we head to my dorm. 

I walk in my dorm and notice no sign or charlotte so I grab what I need to and Chase and I then head to our class. 

We walk in the class together, earning a few stares but we ignore them and sit in our regular seats. Chase in the back up top and myself in the middle as usual. 

The whole class the professor reads more of the Great Gatsby while we take notes. After class is over I head to my next one without Chase of course. 

I walk in my second class and notice Nessa sitting in the back by herself. 

"Hey". I smile and she immediately smiles back. 

"Hey. How are you'". 

"I'm okay. Mind if I sit here"? I ask and she shrugs, moving her bag for me to sit in the seat beside her. 

"why are you okay? what's going on"?

"Well, there's this boy. I think I like him but I don't know. I'm confused. Once minute he acts like he likes me back the next minute he acts like he hates my guts". I sigh and she turns completely facing me. 

"Is it Chase"? she blurts out. 

I look away shyly and nod. 

"I know your his ex and you know him better than I do, but it's just something about him I can't get away from. It's like he's so addictive". I huff and she lightly laughs. 

"Just be careful". she whispers before the Professor walks in and starts to talk. 

Nessa and I make more small talk until the class is over and now I'm headed to my third when i feel a tap on my shoulder. 

I turn around to see a boy who has blonde hair and blue eyes. 

"Hi. Um sorry to bother you, but my names Alex. I just moved her from Boston and I have no Clue who anyone is, could you show me to room 134 EL"? 

"Yes. I have English first period. I know exactly where it is". I say smiling, walking him in the other direction. 

"Alright thank you". he says, once we get to the destination. 

"Anytime". I give him a big smile. 

"See you around again maybe"? 

"Maybe". I say smiling, walking back to my third period. 

"Who was that"? I hear a familiar voice say. 

"Vinnie. It's none of your business". I mutter, continuing to walk away. 

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