Chapter Thirty One

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"Bella. Wake up. We got to get going". I hear Chase as I groan.

"Five more minutes". I groan as I hear chase lightly laugh.

"If we want to get there in time for lunch I recommend we leave now" chase says, rumbling around in the room.

"I heard the word lunch which involves food, that's the only reason I'm getting up". I groan, rolling out of bed. 

I open my eyes fully to see Chase shirtless. He has black ripped jeans on and shoes, but no shirt. 

"Why don't you have a shirt on"? I ask, not noticing the tone in my voice. 

"It's nothing you haven't seen before". Chase mumbles a little rudely. 

"Sorry". I say softly. 

"It's so annoying when you say that. Stop please". Chase says angrily, walking out the room. 

I honestly don't get him half the time. One minute he's angry the other minute he's the sweetest boy. 

I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth, then pack my clothes from my closet, heading downstairs after.

Chase is sitting in the living room, with a shirt on this time, and suitcase next to him. 

"you ready"? 

"Yeah. Let me say by to my Uncle Shawn and Dad". I say as Chase nods, no expression on his face. 

I walk upstairs to see my dad in his room passed on the bed, Uncle Shawn passed out on the floor. 

"Bye guys". I whisper to both of them, giving them a small hug as well. The mumble something, but It's inaudible of what their saying so I ignore it, walking downstairs to Chase who is now standing by the front door with both of our suitcases. 

"I'm ready". I smile. 

"Let's go". he mumbles, walking out the front door with both suitcases. 

I get in the passengers seat while Chase goes towards the trunk. I hear a loud thud and I jump slightly, only to realize it was just the way he threw the suitcases in the trunk.

He gets in the front seat and I give him a small smile and rolls his eyes. 

After 30 minutes of driving he finally breaks the silence. 

"By the way, my mom tends to ask a lot of questions so be prepared, don't be so nervous". he says, giving me a slight smile. 

"Alright". I smile. 

It stays silent as NYSYNC plays softly in the background. Chase mumbles almost every song and I soon fall asleep listening to his voice. It's so soothing. 

What feels like hours later I feel Chase shake me. 

"We're here babe". 

I open my eyes to see a big suburban house. It almost looks like a mansion. It's so gorgeous. The house is a nice cream color with a cute patio bench outside and a swing hanging from the tree in the front. The driveway is big enough to fit at least 4 cars and the front is filled with beautiful roses. Besides the normal things, there's Christmas light strung up neatly and a big blow up snowman in the front on the grass.

"This is gorgeous". I mumble, getting out the car. 

"Thanks. My mom likes to go all out with shit for Christmas". Chase says, grabbing our suitcases. I grab mine and follow Chase up the walk way. He rings the doorbell and almost 5 seconds later a middle aged women answers. 

"Hi Chasey bear". Chase's mom exclaims, pulling him in for a hug. 

"Mom. Can you please not call me that in front of guest". he mumbles, giving her a small hug as she pulls away, taking a look at me for a second, causing me to get a little nervous.

"hi sweetie. I'm Chase's mom Tamora. You can call me Tam Tam". she smiles, holding her arms out for a hug. 

"hi. Nice to meet you Tam Tam. I'm Isabella. You can call me Izzy if you want". I say nervously, giving the woman a light hug. 

"She's so sweet Chase. Juts like how you described her, only more gorgeous". she says, making me blush. 

I turn to Chase who's cheeks are as red as a tomato. 

  "Oh, come inside. I don't want you two to catch a cold". Tamora says as we both follow her in the house. 

 Inside the house is decorated with more Christmas decorations. It honestly is really cute. 

As I'm looking around I feel Chase tap my shoulder. 

I turn to him and he laughs. 


"Nothing. It's just cute how interested you are in the house". 

I blush and he grabs my hand, leading me upstairs. 

"Chase sweetie, where are you going"? His mom asks, as Chase and I go up the stairs. 

"I'm gonna show her my room mom. We'll be back". 

"Use a condom sweetie". I hear Chase's mom say and I laugh lightly, looking at Chase. 

"We're not even dating mom. What makes you think I'm going to smash"? Chase says, rolling his eyes, pulling his hand away from mine. 

Tear are threating to stream from my face but I can't just because I'm stuck here. 



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