Chapter Seven

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It's now 3:00 and I just finished my last class. I signed up for a music class at five so I decide to go to my dorm and study until then. On the way there I run into Vinnie. 

"Hey". He says smiling. 

"Hi Vinnie". I giggle. 

"where's your next class"? he asks. 

"I don't have one I'm done for the day. I'm just waiting for music class".

"oh that's nice you a singer"? 

"Yeah. I sing a little". I shyly say and he laughs. 

"That's cool. I hope you have fun in that class. I'll see tomorrow". he says, walking off and I wave as he smiles. 

Once I get to my dorm I notice Charlotte isn't there again. I figured she wouldn't be here considering she's never around unless its with Sebastian. 

I pull out my laptop and look through all my classes and notes that I took today. 

I grab my notebooks and start writing and that's when my phone dings.

unknown: Hey

Isabella: Hey? who's this

unknown: who knows🤷‍♂️

Isabella: this isn't funny. Who is this?

unknown: it's your Prince Charming :)

Isabella: as much as I want that be true I doubt that. Your probably some creepy old man.

unknown: You're* and I'm not an old creepy man I'm actually in one of your classes

Isabella: Look can you just leave me alone. Your a weirdo. 

unknown:'s you're* but fine. I'll see you later then

I don't reply and continue to study and as soon as I know it, it's time to leave for my music class. 

The walk there wasn't that far thank goodness and as soon as I walked in I saw a much of different people. Some looked nice, some look gothic and some looked boring. 

"Hi, are you a freshman"? I hear a girl voice from behind me. 

She had black hair and freckles and looked sort of like the rude girl Charlie that I kept bumping into. 

"yeah, are you"? 

"No, I'm a senior. My name Is Dixie". she holds her hand out and I smile shaking it. 

"Your super pretty". I say and she smiles widely. 

"Thank you so are you". she says and we both take a seat next to each other.

The teacher walks in and starts to go over things. Half way I notice Chase walking in and he takes a seat next to Dixie. 

He does this hand shake with her and they mumble a few things to each other.

"Chase. I'm excited to have you back. Did you finish your assignment I gave you last week"? The teacher says and he nods, going into his backpack grabbing a hold of a piece of paper handing it to the teacher. 

She smiles and hands it back. 

"So we have a new student I see. Would you want to introduce yourself"? she asks pointing towards me and I shyly smile. 

"Hi. I'm Isabella".

"well, hi Isabella. What grade are you in"? the teacher ask and all eyes are on my so it's pretty awkward. 

"I'm a freshman". I say and she nods. 

"Is your last name Blaire"? 

I nod and she laughs a little. 

"I know your father. We used to date here back then". 

Everyone looks at me and I turn away awkwardly.

"Um. Anyways lets continue. Since your new to my class I would like you to sing me a little something". 

I stand up and clear my throat. 

"I see us in black and white, crystal clear on a star lit night, In all your gorgeous colors. I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life".

I sing softly and every claps and Chase smiles widely. 

"That was amazing". the teacher says and I mumble a low thank you. 

"Now today I'm going to put you in groups of three and you must sing a song of your choice with your partners. Make sure it's a song you all are able to sing on key". The teacher says and few mumbles are heard. 

"Olivia, Ondreaz, Tony". 

The teacher continues to call names until my eyes lit up as soon as she calls my name and my group members. 

"Isabella, Dixie, and Chase".


thank you for the support so far let me know if you like this book so far :) <3

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