Chapter Forty Five

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"This is sick! Why would Charlie do this?" I yell, taking off the paper off the door. 

Chase stands there, running his hands through his hair. 

"The only way to resolve this is to go talk to her", Chase suggests as I scoff. 

"Are you crazy? You're telling me we should go talk to the girl that wrote the blood on this, and the same girl that Vincent told us to stay away from?" I ask as he groans. 

"Unless you want her to keep harassing you then I suggest we come up with something", Chase says as I shrug. 

"She just trying to scare us. I'm pretty sure this isn't anything. Let's just wait it out and see if any other sketchy things happen", I say as Chase nods. 

Over the course of two weeks, weird things kept happening to Chase and I. For example, on Tuesday, Chase went to the vending machine to grab a snack and the whole thing fell on top of him. 

Two days later I went with Chase in the choir room to work on some music and the power went out. A day later when we went back to try and finish it the music sheets were shredded into pieces. 

Not to mention last Friday I went to the girls bathroom and when I walked out the mirror spelled Bitch in red paint.

After the two weeks of torture, Chase and I had enough decided it was time to do something about this.

We walked to Charli's dorm and knocked once. No answer. I knocked this time and she answered. 

"Well, hey girlie", she smiled, but of course it wasn't genuine. 

"This needs to stop Charlie, this has gotten completely out of hand. We're done with your sick games", I say angrily as she laughs. 

"I don't know what your talking about America's Sweetheart", she smirks. 

"Charlie. Just fucking stop. What is your problem? Is there something you want?" 

"Yeah, I want her to leave you the fuck alone", Charlie mutters.

"Well, it's not happening", Chase scoffs. 

"Look Charlie. If this has something to do with Chase and I dating don't worry. We're not anymore. If you want him just have him. I'm tired of these sick games you're playing", I sigh.

"Okay, you have to stop talking to him", she smirks as Chase looks at me. 

"I'm not going to date you Charlie. I don't even like you", Chase says, crossing his arms. 

"You don't have to like me. We don't even have to talk. I just don't want you hanging out with this prune anymore. She's ruining your image", Charli says, giving me a dirty look. 

"Alright, then it's settled. I'll leave him alone if you stop harassing me", I say crossing my arms and Chase gives me a look and I look away. 

"deal. Now get the fuck out my room", Charli says, hitting her vape, while still giving Chase and I a dirty look. 

Chase and I walk out the room, Chase slamming her door afterwards. 

"Wait, so what happens now?" Chase asks as we continue walking down the hall.

"I don't know. We won't hang out, but we'll text secretly I guess", I shrug as we reach my dorm room. 

"Oh, well I'll see you later then?" Chase asks as I nod. 

He gives me a hug and a long kiss on the forehead. 

"I'll miss you", he says and I stay quiet, before opening my door and closing it right after. 

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