Chapter Four

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I wake up to bottles all around me and 5 people laying around in a drunken sleepy state. Sebastian is on the couch sleep and I have no clue where Charlotte is. I pick up my phone and see 20 missed calls and 15 text messages from my parents. Oh shit. 

I call my mother and she picks up, screaming through the small screen. 

"Where were you last night Bella! I called and you didn't answer I swear if you-". 

"mom. I'm alright sorry. I was up studying with Charlotte last night and didn't pay attention to my phone or the time". I say and she sighs, a breath of relief. 

"Alright. I just want to make sure your safe. Call me a little later I love you". she says and I tell her I love her as well, hanging up afterwards. 

I walk over to Sebastian and tap his shoulder. He doesn't budge so I shake him and still no budge. 

"You need a ride home"? 

I look up to see the black haired guy from last night that I had kissed from spin the bottle. 

"Uh. Charlotte probably-". 

"Charlotte left. Now either you take my offer or not". he mumbles, standing against the kitchen door frame. 

"Ok. Let me grab my stuff". I say shyly, looking for my purse. 

Once I grab it I follow him out to his car which is a Tesla. 

I get in the car and sit there awkwardly as he talks to someone outside.

A few moment later he gets in the car and turns on some rock music. 

"What building are you in"? he asks and I look up at him. I notice he has really beautiful blue eyes. 

"Building C". I say and he nods, pulling into the college campus. 

"here we are". he says and I thank him shyly as he nod again, speeding off once I get out the car. I walk into the halls and it's so empty instead of crowded. 

I get into my room and notice Charlotte isn't there still. I change out my dress and into pajamas slipping into bed as I fall into a deep sleep.

 I am soon awakened by the sound of an alarm clock I jolt up to see the time saying 7:45 in the morning. Wait. Is it Monday? I pull out my phone and check the date to see the word Monday across the screen. Shit I have class in 15 minutes and too my luck the class I have is 10 minutes across from campus.

I get dressed in less than 2 minutes with some what decent clothes on and head out the door. 

I get on my bike and ride through the campus trying to run people over on the way. 

I rush into the classroom 1 minutes before the bell rings and as soon as the teacher arrives I'm seated in my seat with my notebook out ready to go. Sebastian walks in and as soon as he spots me he walks over to me taking a seat. 

"hey you". he says smiling, giving me a hug. 

"hey". I smile back at him and turn my attention back from the teacher. 

"Did you do last weeks work? I wasn't here".

"Yeah I might have-". 

"Ms. Blaine do you have thing you want to share with the class"?

"No sir". I say quietly and he continues to teach his lesson.

"Now on today's lesson. We're going to start reading The Great Gatsby. On your way you should have stopped by the library to pick up your copy of the book. How many of you have already done so"?

The whole class raises there hand except me.

"Isabella is there a reason as too why you haven't picked up your copy yet"?

"I'm sorry sir. I got caught in traffic this morning". I mumble slightly while the whole class has their eyes on me.

"Just don't do it again. You may go pick up your copy but we're going to start without you so It's your job to catch up".

"Yes sir". I say softly and as I'm getting up he turns his attention to another student in the class.

As I'm about to walk out the door he stops me.

"Ms. Blaine this young man has been careless and has forgotten his book as well. You both can go grab one from the library but hurry up".

I nod and look up top in the auditorium to see the black haired figure  from last night walking down the steps.

Once he reaches to where I am I'm able to study his features fully. Medium length Black hair that was parted in the middle and blue eyes that looked like the pacific ocean. His jawline was sharp enough to cut you if it wanted too. Lips that were pink and kissable. He had on a blueish plaid shirt with black pants and black converse. His shoes were a little scuffed up and his pants were ripped up. Two chains were dangling from his neck and he had an cross earring on his left ear.

" Are we going to go anytime soon"? his deep voice speaks up and I look at him embarrassed.

"oh yeah. I'm sorry". I mumble as we start to walk to the library.

As we walk to the library it's quiet until I think of something to start a conversation.

"have you ever read The Great Gatsby"?

"Yeah. I read it my senior year. What about you"?

"Yeah I read it over the summer for fun". He just looks at me and doesn't say anything.

"Do you have a favorite quote"? I ask.

He nods and says "In the end we were all just humans drunk on the idea that love and only love could heal our brokenness".

"Wow that beautiful. What makes you like that quote the most"? I ask and he shrugs his shoulders.

"I live by it". he says softly.

"what do you mean"?

"I feel that society now and days believe that love is a real thing and it can heal us from our broken past and hearts but from experience I can tell you that thinking that way is completely wrong". he says coldly and I just look at him. It stays silent as we walk in the library.

Once we find the books we check them out and head back to class and mid way he asks me the same question I asked him earlier.

"what's your favorite Quote"?

"He looked at her the way all women want to be looked at by a man".

"why that one"? he asks.

"I don't know. I've never known what it feels like to be looked at like I'm some gem to a guy".

"Care to elaborate"?

"I've never had a boyfriend". I say shyly and his eyes go wide.

"what"? I ask and he looks away.

"Nothing". he says with a straight face as we walk into the classroom.

"Wait"! I say stopping him from going back to his seat.


"what's your name"?

"Chase. Chase Hudson". 

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