Chapter 52

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 Her father was gone. Her mom was dead too now. Not that she cared about Ansel. Noelle shed a few tears as Rolfe was dragged away. She had to watch the father she never had get killed, brought back, and sentenced to an everlasting prison. Theodosia didn't even think about the impact that this would all have on Noelle. She had only known him for seconds and was already saying goodbye. Not that it mattered, she should consider herself lucky.

Theodosia had her reasons for bringing back her father. At the exact moment when she asked Shaye to bring Rolfe back to life, she didn't think.

Yet she didn't feel like she'd made the wrong choice either. She felt content. Like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders. Like she had nothing to worry about anymore. Theodosia sat down on the sandy beach. The others were still back there watching the former pirate lord be locked up. She would probably visit, maybe in a few years. When her resentment faded and anger dulled. But she would never let him free. Not as long as she lived. Theodosia took out a flask and took a drink as she watched the waves. Calming and blue and free.

"Hey," a voice said from behind her.

"Please go away," she sighed, "I really don't feel like talking right no.."

She didn't even finish what she was saying. Theodosia let out a small scream as she felt him pick her up and start walking into the ocean.

"Jack, what are you doing," she asked him, struggling slightly to escape. They were knee deep now.

"Don't do it!" she yelled as she realized what he was doing.

"I will literally kill everyone you know and love!" she warned him.

She was smacking him, trying to fight him but he was too strong. He flashed her a wicked grin before pushing her out of his arms and into the ocean.

The water felt like an icy, cold smack in the face. She pushed her legs against the ocean floor, emerging from the water. Theodosia shivered from her soaking wet clothes as she let out a laugh.

"You asked for it," she declared before barreling toward him, knocking him into the water. They both laughed as she splashed through the shallows, Jack close behind. Her clothes clung to her body. The sun started to set, revealing a frigid chill in the air. The sky was vibrant with colors of pinks and blues. Faint evidence of stars started appearing in the sky, and when Theodosia stopped to gaze at them. She felt Jack slam into her, throwing them both into the sand. She looked into his chocolate brown eyes, laced with laughter.

"I love you," he whispered after a moment, barely loud enough for her to hear.

She gazed at him for a second, her eyes sparkling "I love you too." she said before he leaned towards her for a kiss.


"Oh they really were love birds," Samuel said.

"Oh shut up," Noelle scolded him. It was already bad enough that Noelle and Samuel were snooping in their business. She knew that she should feel guilty, but deep down she really didn't. It was about time something like this happened.

"Where's Shaye?" Noelle asked.

Samuel shrugged, "I have no idea, she was with us a few minutes ago,"

Noelle sighed, "then I guess I'll have to go find her,"

"I'll stay here and make sure nothing happens,"

"Oh hush," Noelle joked before walking down the docks, keeping an eye out for Shaye.

"Where could she be?" Noelle murmured under her breath.

Her injured leg couldn't have gotten her far.

She turned into a dark alley, water dripping down the sides. She reached the end, a grey wall. Nothing here, she thought. She was about to turn around when she heard footsteps.

Noelle froze, the dripping water sound stopped completely. She averted her eyes upwards, they were... frozen.

Noelle pulled a dagger Shaye gave her out of her cloak, readying herself for a fight. She spun around as the footsteps stopped completely.

"Who are you and what do you wa...," she stopped as her eyes grew wide.

A man with soft dark hair stood before her, he had cuts and bruises all over him and his clothes were black from dirt. His hair was matted and pressed against his face. He held a sword in his hands. He looked almost familiar.

She opened her mouth to speak but he beat her to it. He flew gracefully over to her and pushed her against the wall so forcefully, that she saw two of him for a second.

Noelle struggled a few words out, "Who.... Are..... You."

His hands slipped around her neck, holding it tightly. Squeezing. Noelle needed to breathe. But she couldn't, she had no power.

He looked at her with his light blue eyes. Blue eyes.

"Wait, I know who you...," she barely finished her sentence he squeezed tightly.

A flicker of hate appeared in his eyes, he was going to strangle her to death.

She only said one thing before she fell to the ground, her eyes glossy and in a white haze. A bruised ring around her neck and her face a deathly pale. She only said one thing before she was lost forever. One single word.


Sea Of Seagulls: A Pirate and Fae TaleWhere stories live. Discover now