Chapter 42

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Jack and Samuel reached the town in no less than four days. Jack didn't exactly know what to expect when they got there. He just didn't expect it to be good. They rode around town, searching for any sign of Noelle or Ansel. If they could find them, then they could surely find Shaye and Theodosia.  And if he found Shaye and Theodosia, he could finally get his revenge on Ansel. She probably has forgotten about Kai already. Jack thought bitterly, well i'll make sure she remembers exactly what she did, I'll make her never forget. The vision of Kai's lifeless body laying on the ground was embedded in his brain. A single slit across his throat, his hair messy and matted. And his skin pale and cold. He clenched and unclenched his fists. Control yourself Jack. Stay calm. Jack took a deep breath.
"Where do you think they are?" Samuel asked from behind him,
"I'm not entirely sure," Jack responded.
The town was moderately large, with busy streets and crowds of people getting set to start their day. Little boys and girls ran through the sea of people, giggling and carefree. Not having to worry about death, or revenge, or love... Sadly, they most likely would experience that very soon.
They trotted past the children and the crowds and found an abandoned stable. Jack tied up his horse, still watching Samuel.
"We are going to have to look for them on foot." Jack reminded him.
Samuel groaned, "Just my luck."  He grumbled before the two guys walked into town.


    Shaye ignored the throbbing pain in her legs from running over the forest terrain. The young women they met explained that Noelle broke her leg and that her mother came to town for alcohol to disinfect the wound. Theodosia ran slightly behind to the side of her. They followed the smoke, the flames. They would find Noelle and Ansel. They would stop Ansel.
    Shaye looked off from the edge of the forest. A riverstream ran along the forest line. Shaye walked up to the river looking out to see anyone, or anything.
    That scent. Human blood. Shaye looked to see where it was coming from. She couldn't spot anything off in the distance. Theodosia stood beside her looking in the river. No signs of blood. Shaye moved along the river. Noelle and Ansel had to be near. After walking upstream for some time, Theodosia saw something. A patch of grass stained red with blood.
"Shaye," Theodosia said, motioning towards the rock.
"I know," Shaye snapped back, as she started walking towards it. What had happened here?  
    A large sharp rock lay on the ground, tainted red. Dark footsteps led away from the scene, as if someone walked away, or dragged.
Shaye gazed at the bloodied scene with sheer horror in her eyes.
"Look at this," Shaye heard Theodosia say from  behind her. Theodosia picked up an arrow, ignoring the blood wiping off on her hands.
"Look at the silver tips, these are Noelle's," Theodosia observed,
Noelle, But if this happened to Noelle. If this was her blood.
"We have to find her,"  Shaye whispered, not taking her eyes off the arrow.
Shaye looked up suddenly, "I can track her."
"How?" Theodosia asked,
Shaye took the arrow out of Theodosia's hands and held it up to her nose. If she got past the tangy scent of her blood, her scent was still fresh.
"Oh," Shaye heard Theodosia say, "the fae thing, I forgot you people did such strange things."
"Follow me."   


    Noelle rested against the large Oak tree that was near where they made camp. They had no money left over to stay anywhere, so they were forced to the woods. She looked down at her broken leg. Ansel's shirt was still wrapped around it, but it had become stiff with blood and dirt. Noelle poked her fingers through the shirt and winced. If I don't get this looked at, it'll get infected. She thought to herself as she examined her wounds. And she developed sort of a half-smile. That would slow Ansel down even more. 
    Ansel was inside their makeshift home preparing to leave the next day for Skull's Bay. Ansel decided waiting 3 days was too long. Noelle looked up at the sky. The branches of the tree blocked out the sun leaving patches of light. Nature was always so pretty this time of day. The sun had started setting and a golden light gleamed on everything. It was beautiful.
    A rustling sound drew Noelle's attention from the sky and the treetops above her. She could've sworn something was nearby. She wouldn't go far so Ansel shouldn't worry. Noelle pulled into a standing position by using her right hand to grip the tree bark. She looked through the forest surrounding her, the endless pathways that could lead anywhere. There it was. A shadow. Noelle fumbled as she hopped around the great Oak tree. 2 figures off in the forest. Both wore cloaks, their faces too small to see.
    A too cold breeze drifted across Noelle's face, her burning orange hair flowing in the wind. The figures came closer, walking slowly, leaves crunching beneath their feet. Stumbling back, almost falling face down, Noelle grasped her bow. Even if she couldn't walk, she could easily get an arrow straight through their heart before they got to her. The two people, face, witches, Noelle didn't care which, were only a few trees away. She aimed her bow ready to take out the targets. She pulled back on the string, her elbow pointed back.
    "Noelle," a familiar voice said so faintly, Noelle almost questioned that they said something completely different.
    It was the voice that made her sure. It was Theodosia's voice.
    Noelle lowered her bow knowing the other person had to be Shaye. They got her message. Noelle glanced back at the tent Ansel was in before wobbling in pain to her friends.
    "What happened?" Shaye, examined Noelle's leg.
    "It was the only way to hold her off. She was ready to go to Skull's Bay so I had to buy you two more times."
    Noelle was so busy explaining her incident when another thought popped into her head. Shaye was here. She was well and standing and awake.
    Shaye was about to speak but Noelle didn't wait to hear before she wrapped her arms around Shaye.
    "I'm happy you are ok," Noelle buried her head in Shaye's long hair that flowed out from the hood of the cloak.
    Noelle embraced Theodosia. Although Noelle still had hope for her mother, she regretted how she left Theodosia and Shaye. Theodosia gave her a squeeze back as if to say the same thing.
    "Where is Jack?" Ansel asked, looking for a third person that might have stayed further back?
    "Him and a messenger named Samuel are riding on horses so they will be coming later."
    Noelle pondered on the name. Samuel. Oh, no.
    "You took the messenger I sent hostage?" disappointment filled her face.
    "He saw my glamorous hair and face and put the pieces together. I couldn't have him cut the mission short, especially since I was asleep for over fourteen days. I've missed all the action. And Theodosia is awful at telling stories of what ha..."
    Another voice stopped Shaye from finishing her remark.
    "What the hell are you two doing here!" Ansel stared at Noelle, barely standing by a tree, and then at Shaye and Theodosia.
    "Well here's some of the action you missed," Theodosia quietly whispered to Shaye.
    A small laugh came from Shaye and then there were no sounds. No words or voices. The only noise was the blades coming out from Shaye, Theodosia's cloaks.

Sea Of Seagulls: A Pirate and Fae Taleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن