Chapter 19

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Shaye decided to go around the outer edge of the temples. She saw small groups of people. She hoped this would not take long. Someone had to know something, right?

The first group she approached had 4 people. Two men and two women, maybe 24 years old.

"Hi, would any of you happen to know a person with the name Ansel?" Shaye tried not to be too loud disrupting the peacefulness of the place.

They all looked at her with raised eyebrows. Then Shaye remembered silent assassins. She knew some had to speak, her mother had been friends with a few for some time.

Trying not to look annoyed, Shaye averted her eyes and continued walking.

Shaye understood where Theodosia was coming from now. This was pointless. Shaye wanted to stop but she would keep her word for Noelle. Shaye paced herself along until she saw another person, hopefully, more helpful. Shaye approached a young woman. She had short golden hair and pale peach skin. She stood under some trees that encircled the keep. Shaye was shocked how the trees had survived being in a desert, but that was not a top priority at the moment.

"Hello, have you ever heard of a woman named Ansel?" Shaye smiled hopefully as she spoke.

"I'm sorry no," the woman muttered so quietly it was almost a whisper.

Shaye smiled and waved as she continued. At least this one spoke.

Shaye saw some kids but didn't bother asking them. She had seriously considered it but decided against it. They would be too young, first of all. And they are too difficult in general.

Shaye questioned maybe 6 more people, all giving the same responses. They either had no idea, or they did not speak. Both reactions were no help. Shaye took a short break to take in the place. The heat was still intense. Shaye used her powers to keep herself cool.

She looked at the temple. The place was well built. Ornate decorations and a few lanterns were scattered throughout. The building was made of red sandstone. The courtyard was huge, Shaye realized as she made her way through. People were training in rooms. Shaye knew she should not interrupt them. After a few minutes, she decided to try again to get any information that they could use. Shaye hoped Noelle and Theodosia were having better responses than her. Noelle was more kind in general so she could likely get an answer. Also in the courtyard, there was a pool. Shaye wondered how hot the water would be in a place like this.

Shaye walked into an area full of tables. This must be a dining hall of sorts. Shaye asked people from table to table if they knew anything. This Ansel person used to be an assassin here. How had no one known her or remembered her? The question puzzled Shaye.

She decided that she would try to find Noelle and Theodosia. Two hours had not passed but Shaye was getting sick of these people.


Theodosia walked through the temple with Noelle, who was being insufferably optimistic. She wanted to tell her so badly that it all might go downhill and the plan would not work. But Noelle was too busy talking to everyone to pay attention to her. The sand blowing in each gust of wind was just enough to dampen her mood without Noelle's chipper attitude. So she just trailed behind her the whole time and tried not to make eye contact with anyone.

"Hello, I'm Noelle." Theodosia heard Noelle say as she examined her nails.

There was no response, but Noelle continued anyway.

"Have you seen a woman who goes by the name Ansel?"

No response yet again. This time Theodosia glanced up. It was an old man with wispy grey hair. He shook his head at Noelle. That must be a no.

"Oh, well thanks anyway," Noelle said as the man walked away, not even glancing back.

"This is pointless." Theodosia huffed.

"Well maybe if you helped, it could go faster." Noelle snapped back at her.

"Challenge accepted." Theodosia agreed with a smug look on her face.

Oh please, how hard could it be? She thought as she approached a woman with dark brown hair who wore a long white dress and a silver pendant.

"Hi, I'm looking for a girl named Ansel," Theodosia told the woman.

"Really?" The woman asked in a mocking tone.

Theodosia ignored her and carried on, "Yes, have you seen her?"

The woman laughed quietly to herself and merely walked away without another word.

Theodosia's mouth fell open as Noelle walked up beside her.

"Not that easy, is it?" Noelle mumbled with a smirk.

"Shut up," Theodosia muttered as she averted her eyes to her shoes.

"Excuse me, but I know the woman you speak of." said a male voice as he approached them.

"Really?" Noelle exclaimed loudly, she quickly shut her mouth after a few glares from surrounding people.

Theodosia looked up at the man. He had thick, messy blonde hair, and soft brown eyes that danced with laughter. He grinned at them with a playful smile as he led on.

"She came here not long ago. She was very secretive with her business, but I managed to squeeze an address out of her."

Noelle was barely able to contain herself, "This is great! Now we have exactly what we need!"

Theodosia looked him up and down, "How can we be sure that we can trust you?" she asked suspiciously.

"You can."

"I'm gonna need some proof."

"So my good word right now, wouldn't be enough." He said with a wicked grin.

Theodosia narrowed her eyes at him not breaking his gaze as Noelle pulled her aside.

"Stop it, he is the best chance we've got right now," Noelle grumbled.

"What if he leads us right into a trap!" Theodosia exclaimed bewildered.

"That's a risk I'm willing to take," Noelle said, determine.

Theodosia let out a sigh. She didn't like this plan, but Noelle was making it clear that she didn't want to argue. 

Sea Of Seagulls: A Pirate and Fae TaleOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant