Chapter 44

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Shaye ran through the dark, twisted woods. Her mind raced. She had to find help and get back to her friends before something happened. If Ansel beat Theodosia, there was no telling what she would do to Noelle. Especially since she found out that Noelle lied to her. Along with her current injuries, it could be fatal. She had to find help, she had to...

Shaye couldn't finish her thought before she rammed into something. Or someone. She crashed to the ground, her head beating with pain. Her vision cleared and she looked up to see Samuel on the ground rubbing his head.

"Watch where you're going," Shaye snapped.

"Nice to see you too," Samuel responded sarcastically.

Shaye pulled herself up, "we need to go,"

"Why, what's happening?" A woman asked from behind Samuel.

Shaye was going to ask who she was but quickly decided there was no time.

"We found Ansel,"

"You did," Jack asked, "Where is she?"

"She's fighting Theodosia," Shaye breathed.

Jack perked up, slightly alerted. "We have to go,"

Shaye motioned them to follow her. By the time they ran back to Theodosia and Ansel was swinging their swords locked in a one-on-one battle.


Theodosia didn't break her gaze as she fought with her mother. She stared into her eyes the entire time, unmasking all the feelings she felt for her. All of her rages went into each swing, each strike. Ansel was trained well with a sword. It shouldn't have surprised her as she remembered the time she knocked all of them out and tied them up. If Ansel wasn't the manipulator she was, Theodosia would have been proud of her mother's skills. Her mother counteracted each move Theodosia made towards her. She almost hit Theodosia twice but she had blocked the strikes before they made an impact. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Shaye in the distance. Three people followed up behind her. Jack, Samuel, and another girl stood behind Shaye. A faint smile covered Shaye's face as if to say, this is all the help I could find.

Theodosia had been so busy looking at Shaye that she lost sight of Ansel. Theodosia spun her head around, looking through the trees. Then she saw her, saw her by Noelle. Ansel dragged Noelle out, not acknowledging the screams of pain that came out of her.

Ansel pulled Noelle up, the sword was held right at her throat.

"What happened to the person you were?" Ansel grunted as she spoke to Noelle.

"I woke up..." Noelle stuttered trying not to slit her own throat.

It wouldn't have mattered because Ansel didn't hesitate. She glared at Theodosia, a wicked grin crossed over her face. The blade of the sword ran through her throat, through her flesh, blood spilling out onto the forest floor. Ansel shoved the body aside, wiping the blood off her sword onto her shirt.

"Who's next," Ansel roared.

Shaye and the others had made their way closer to her and Ansel. The girl stepped forward. She had black hair and pale white skin.

"What's your name dear?" Ansel chimed.

"You'll never find out," the girl mumbled before her power exploded.

A cloud of black blasted out of the girl, a high-pitched scream coming out of whatever it was. The thing went straight for Ansel, covering her in a mass of darkness.

The beast made unearthly noises as it ate Ansel. A horrendous shrieking sound escaped Ansel. Silence followed. The beast shot up into the sky, vanishing from view. Theodosia cautiously peered at what was left of Ansel. A pile of bones sucked clean remained in the place Ansel had last been. Shreds of cloth surrounded the area. No blood, nothing left besides the bones as evidence of what had happened. Theodosia looked up at Shaye but she wasn't looking back. No, her eyes were pointed at something else entirely. Shaye started at Noelle, her body flung onto its side. Her body, lifeless.

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