Chapter 17

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Shaye took the lead when starting into the forest. They would be in the Bogdano jungle for a while before they made it to the Red Desert. Stories had been told about the jungle being inhabited by beasts and evil creatures. There had been stories of monsters that eat people in one bite and creatures that have a slow killing poison.

To Shaye's surprise, the place was nice, Shaye thought. She listened to the chirping of the birds and the sound of rushing water through the streams. There were fascinating insects and creatures. Theodosia did not enjoy it as much. The noise got on her nerves.

"Why couldn't we travel by ship again?"Theodosia complained.

"It would have taken twice as long," Shaye answered.

"Just try to relax, the place is calming and beautiful," Noelle chimed.

Noelle was not lying. The place was very vibrant with shades of greens. Flowers bloomed in a spectrum of colors. The sunlight gleamed through the jungle giving the whole place an angelic glow. Tall trees shot up from the ground, their branches twisting and turning into obscure shapes.

The place seemed to be untouched. If it had been, it would not have the beauty they saw. People destroy anything they get their hands on. They took their time on horseback for a day's length of time.

As the sunset approached, the forest became magical. Fireflies and other glowing creatures lit up the place. The moonlight sparkled on the narrow rivers. Certain plants and flowers glowed.

Shaye then saw something she only heard stories about from her parents. She saw faeries. They were small magical creatures that only revealed themselves to a few. Her mother and father had been given gifts from the little folk when they were traveling throughout the war. Shaye saw colorful sprites with kind faces and delicate wings. They flew around Shaye and the others as if to welcome them into their home.

Shaye understood why the stories were told now. They were told to scare off people who would claim the forest for their selfish wants and needs. This place had to be protected.

The three girls decided to rest under some big trees covered with moss. Noelle tied the horses up. Noelle and Theodosia were asleep as soon as they laid their head down.

Shaye on the other hand, could not sleep. She looked at the few stars visible through the Jungle leaves. She watched the vines sway in the wind. Shaye could only stare and admire the faerie's home.

Shaye snuck away to get some berries to eat. She was starving so she just grabbed a handful. Maybe she could not sleep because she was so hungry. An hour passed, or at least what felt like it before Shaye closed her eyes.

Theodosia, Noelle, and Turner were in her dream. So was a girl with wine red hair. Noelle and Theodosia were at her sides weapons in hand. A demon beast of black mist was in front of them. The wine red hair woman was covered with a mass of darkness. The mass shot into the air, the woman with wine red hair was gone.


The sunlight blazed on her face as Theodosia's eyes opened. She wondered where she was for a moment and soon realized they were still in the forest. Hopefully, they could make it out of this strange place as soon as possible. She woke up to Noelle first. Theodosia headed out to where Shaye was but she could not find her. Where would she go? Theodosia asked herself. A slight panic went through Theodosia. Noelle was still adjusting as Theodosia left to look for Shaye. She could not have gone very far. As she walked through the jungle looking around the stream, nothing but teensy little fairies. The little folk was so strange. Theodosia tried batting them away as she walked. She then saw a few configure into a straight line. I've seen stranger things Theodosia told herself as she walked to follow down the line blindly.

She saw the white hair first, then the rest of her. Shaye was leaning against a tree, curled into a ball. She thanked the fairies with a nod before walking up to Shaye.

"Are you okay?" Theodosia asked. Shaye sprang up, the hand on the hilt of her dagger.

Theodosia threw up her hands, "Woah calm down it's just me."

Shaye said nothing as she stared at Theodosia blankly, her eye twitching.

Something was extremely wrong. Theodosia repeated herself, her voice more gentle.

"Shaye is there something wrong?"

Theodosia watched Shaye. It was as if she had no idea who Theodosia was. Had something happened the previous night Theodosia asked herself. She thought back to the night before. Nothing unusual. She noticed Shaye slowly drawing her dagger out, inch by inch.

"Shaye," Theodosia said as softly as she could, "put down your weapon and talk to me."

She didn't stop. The dagger was nearly out of the hilt. Theodosia slowly backed up. She hoped that Noelle was close enough for her to help. Whatever happened, it was bad and Theodosia was unsure of how to handle Shaye.

Shaye's eyes showed no kindness. It was like something was making her psychotic. There was a small rustling noise behind Theodosia. She turned to see Noelle heading towards them.

"Watch out!" Noelle yelled as Shaye flung her dagger.

Theodosia barely made it in time to duck before the blade would have gone straight through her neck. Noelle reached behind her shoulder and grabbed an arrow. Of course, she had her bow with her. She fired, striking the exact spot she aimed at.

The arrow buried itself in Shaye's right upper arm. Shaye yelped in pain as blood dripped down her arm and hand. Theodosia grabbed a nearby log and stepped up in front of Shaye.

"I'm sorry," was all Theodosia could get out before she swung knocking Shaye unconscious.

Sea Of Seagulls: A Pirate and Fae TaleWhere stories live. Discover now